The Student Room Group

Scraped my cars bumper, I’m so sad

I was driving today when I needed to pull over. When I pulled over something in the road made a loud bang underneath my car, I checked my car and the underneath of my bumper is scraped, I can also see a little bit of the edge is scraped.

Should it be very hard to get this repaired?
Original post by Anonymous
I was driving today when I needed to pull over. When I pulled over something in the road made a loud bang underneath my car, I checked my car and the underneath of my bumper is scraped, I can also see a little bit of the edge is scraped.

Should it be very hard to get this repaired?

Is it just a scratch in the bumper's paintwork (assuming it's painted), or is it actually cracked?
Original post by DataVenia
Is it just a scratch in the bumper's paintwork (assuming it's painted), or is it actually cracked?

It’s a scratch
Reply 3
You can buy materials to fill and cover up bumper scratches, or replace the whole thing. However scratches are a bit of an inevitability for a car and sometimes you just have to live with this and not let it worry you
Original post by Anonymous
It’s a scratch

Then, as @Zarek says, you can just repair it yourself (perhaps with some touch-up paint) or just ignore it.

If you pay someone to get it professionally resprayed it'll only get scratched again the next day anyway!

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