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depends on what you mean by who is Donald trump. It also depends on your political persuasion if your left wing he is the devil incarnate, the man you wouldn't trust to leave your children with when your in the other room. contrary is you are right wing he is the greatest ting since sliced bread and the rock on which a modern America should be built upon
first lets see who he is as a person, he is 77 years old who google values at $2.55 billion he is a house hold name and former us president, the first to get 2 impeachment trials against him. he has 5 children the oldest born in 1977 and the youngest born in 2006.
Now politically he is a republican who rode the wave of popularism to get elected president of the united states in 2016 after Obama served his 2 term limit, he went up against the wife of former president bill Clinton, she was the first wife to run for the presidency, and is to the best of my knowledge the first and only one to do so, but they were the two lowest rated presidential nominees selected by their parties in living memory and polling only proved this point. he was the first outsider to politics to get elected president since Eisenhower after the second world war.

During his presidency he introduced monumental changes in America executive order 13769 titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, labelled the "Muslim ban" by Donald Trump. it basically stooped from Muslim countries from entering the us, until the supreme court ruled it an unconstitutional order and banned it implementation

his famous border wall went far as well building only 83 more miles than existed that is basically the distance from Cambridge to London or Washington to bel air the place famous from the fresh prince of bel air so not that far considering the promise he made to secure Americas borders

but in all fairness he did keep 2 promises
he moved the us embasy in Israel from tel Aviv to Jerusalem and pull america out from the paris agreement.
so who trump is is open to debate
hope this helps
Original post by guestpost
who is donald trump

Are you asking this a question so that you can gain information on him or are you looking for a debate?
Original post by guestpost
who is donald trump

do you have access to Google?!
Original post by meenu89
do you have access to Google?!

Or a TV :lol:
(I will try to answer this unbiased)

Donald J Trump is the 45th President of the United States succeeding Barack Obama. Before entering politics, Trump was a household name appearing on many reality shows like "The Apprentice". He had numerous wives and affairs, his latest wife being Melania Trump; a European model. Trump began his Presidential bid in 2015 as part of the Republican party (a right-wing group, somewhat like the conservatives here but more towards the right). He went against Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party (a left-wing group more center than Labour here though). During his campaign, Trump promised he would tackle the issue of illegal immigration and the messy US foreign policy and a vow to abandon the Nuclear Deal with theocratic Iran.

Trump managed to win against Clinton and was inaugurated on January 2016. Trump is a hugely controversial figure and is adored by many, and hated by many at the same time. People like him because he reduced taxes and reasserted dominance on cheeky foreign powers. He is also seen as not corrupt and toyed with by elitists and the top 1% with even President Vladimir Putin of Russia stating that Trump was the only President he saw with original ideas. However, critics loathe him because he was sexist to women insulting journalists of foreign origin and sexuality many times, he was unpresidential with his attitude towards others and was too friendly with Russia, with many (foolishly) believing that Putin was responsible for Trump's election. He also was seen as racist towards Mexicans and xenophobic to Muslims; this all depends on your personal views though.

MY OPINION: Trump is an enigma to me; he did a lot of good in his administration and most of my economic and social beliefs are embedded in him. Nevertheless, he is VERY rude sometimes and unpresidential but perhaps someone unpresidential is what America needs?
Reply 6
Original post by guestpost
who is donald trump

he was the prime minister of the USA.
Original post by max441
he was the prime minister of the USA.

lol we don't have a prime minister, it's called a president
Reply 8
Who do you want to represent the interests of the USA in this democratic world? You need someone with courage and foresight to be able to negotiate our interests on a level playing field - against the likes of Putin, Xi Jinping, Binyamin Netanyahu, Haibatullah Akhundzada, Ali Khamenei, all the hardliners plus any one else in the Middle East?

No one from the Uk comes close to having the experience and skill to take on such a role. Our amateur politicians and representatives (chosen by woke agendas and cronyism) lack the IQ, the diplomacy, and the intellect. We no longer have the context of historical knowledge to be effective. I wonder why this is?

Trump is a skilled negotiator and a good leader. Despite many hating his persona and his outlook he is probably one of the very few politicians around the world (and in the UK) who has actually taken office and delivered on his manifesto commitments. How many political leaders have done that in the UK and just what internal establishment and judicial blocks have stopped them from doing so time after time for so many decades?

Trump just needs to be kept away from the media keyboard after making a speech and in all cases after 6pm
Reply 9
Original post by guestpost
who is donald trump

Some would say the next us president. at the moment he's more popular than Biden for sure
lol this thread has a content warning alert in red next to it
Original post by MysteryyyGirl86
lol this thread has a content warning alert in red next to it

Yes I have no idea why if I’m being honest
Reply 12
Original post by MysteryyyGirl86
lol this thread has a content warning alert in red next to it

Have I missed something in this new world of cosmic colours? I must be colour blind, I only see purple and bright green
Original post by Muttly
Have I missed something in this new world of cosmic colours? I must be colour blind, I only see purple and bright green

When I go to my watched threads list there’s ac content warning next to this
Reply 14
Original post by guestpost
who is donald trump

Original post by Eunoia_

solid response, couldn't agree more.
Reply 16
Original post by Muttly
Who do you want to represent the interests of the USA in this democratic world? You need someone with courage and foresight to be able to negotiate our interests on a level playing field - against the likes of Putin, Xi Jinping, Binyamin Netanyahu, Haibatullah Akhundzada, Ali Khamenei, all the hardliners plus any one else in the Middle East?

No one from the Uk comes close to having the experience and skill to take on such a role. Our amateur politicians and representatives (chosen by woke agendas and cronyism) lack the IQ, the diplomacy, and the intellect. We no longer have the context of historical knowledge to be effective. I wonder why this is?

Trump is a skilled negotiator and a good leader. Despite many hating his persona and his outlook he is probably one of the very few politicians around the world (and in the UK) who has actually taken office and delivered on his manifesto commitments. How many political leaders have done that in the UK and just what internal establishment and judicial blocks have stopped them from doing so time after time for so many decades?

Trump just needs to be kept away from the media keyboard after making a speech and in all cases after 6pm

I'll bite.

That's about a pro-Trump description as can be. What about his attempted subversion of the 2020 election? Can "just keeping him away from the media keyboard?" defend what he did? Last I looked, subversion of a fair election is anti-democratic; worse were his actions to incite insurrection that lead to deaths in the Capitol.

Or cronyism? How many of his aides has he pardoned? Ok I know that other presidents have abused this too but DT was the worst by a mile.

Or his continued insistence that the President is above the law and is immune from criminal charge?

This is the guy you really want to represent the leading democratic nation? A Putin admirer? You cannot be serious 😀.
Reply 17
Original post by AriTem
I'll bite.

That's about a pro-Trump description as can be. What about his attempted subversion of the 2020 election? Can "just keeping him away from the media keyboard?" defend what he did? Last I looked, subversion of a fair election is anti-democratic; worse were his actions to incite insurrection that lead to deaths in the Capitol.

Or cronyism? How many of his aides has he pardoned? Ok I know that other presidents have abused this too but DT was the worst by a mile.

Or his continued insistence that the President is above the law and is immune from criminal charge?

This is the guy you really want to represent the leading democratic nation? A Putin admirer? You cannot be serious 😀.

I'm sorry but there is little left to choose in the murky depths of politics in either the US or the UK. A choice between the two major political powers whose support and finance is provided by huge multi national business and individuals with huge financial interests. Somewhere along the way we have lost integrity, honesty, and the intention to put the interests of ordinary people first. The funding of political parties bank rolled with eye watering amounts of money is a landscape ripe for corruption and favours. Political mud slinging, throwing as much dirty allegations at the opponents seems to be the 'norm' and the only way forward right now - for any political party. Whenever there are obscene amounts of money involved in supporting vested interests there will always be a cost - of greed, corruption and dishonesty. I don't think any US branch of politics is any better than the other. I think both elderly political leaders each have deficits. The US is polarised into a two party stand off as is the UK. Is this good? No. People continue to admire a political man (Trump) who is down and on the ropes and has the audacity to keep fighting back against what many people see as a legal political stitch up. Ordinary people admire that 'fight back' quality regardless of how outraged some may be. Sadly this massive publicity saga has backfired on the democrats. So no matter how much bad mud slinging the BBC, or the American news channels keep spouting out - vainly trying to support their own left wing ideologies, the public see beyond that. See beyond the continual bad mouthing and clever manipulation of the media with news anchors and presenters making continual 'pops' and disproportionately putting certain individuals down. They see the subtle (and not so subtle) continual bias. However, when those same politicians fail to recognise ordinary peoples concerns and are seen to be failing in matters of security people will gravitate to a leader who they deem would best support and keep them safe. No matter how whacky they may be (every politician has baggage) No politician is perfect and there are no saints. Sadly more and more these days, politics is all about being seen to be doing 'something' and in reality doing nothing. Deceiving people. Never being able to answer a simple question with yes or no. Evading answers, distracting and verbalising utter rubbish in order to avoid scrutiny, aiming to make ordinary people believe politicians are changing something for the better (inquiries, reviews, quango's) when they are not. Ordinary people are finally waking up to the fact they have been duped for a very long time.
Reply 18
Original post by Muttly
I'm sorry but there is little left to choose in the murky depths of politics in either the US or the UK. A choice between the two major political powers whose support and finance is provided by huge multi national business and individuals with huge financial interests. Somewhere along the way we have lost integrity, honesty, and the intention to put the interests of ordinary people first. The funding of political parties bank rolled with eye watering amounts of money is a landscape ripe for corruption and favours. Political mud slinging, throwing as much dirty allegations at the opponents seems to be the 'norm' and the only way forward right now - for any political party. Whenever there are obscene amounts of money involved in supporting vested interests there will always be a cost - of greed, corruption and dishonesty. I don't think any US branch of politics is any better than the other. I think both elderly political leaders each have deficits. The US is polarised into a two party stand off as is the UK. Is this good? No. People continue to admire a political man (Trump) who is down and on the ropes and has the audacity to keep fighting back against what many people see as a legal political stitch up. Ordinary people admire that 'fight back' quality regardless of how outraged some may be. Sadly this massive publicity saga has backfired on the democrats. So no matter how much bad mud slinging the BBC, or the American news channels keep spouting out - vainly trying to support their own left wing ideologies, the public see beyond that. See beyond the continual bad mouthing and clever manipulation of the media with news anchors and presenters making continual 'pops' and disproportionately putting certain individuals down. They see the subtle (and not so subtle) continual bias. However, when those same politicians fail to recognise ordinary peoples concerns and are seen to be failing in matters of security people will gravitate to a leader who they deem would best support and keep them safe. No matter how whacky they may be (every politician has baggage) No politician is perfect and there are no saints. Sadly more and more these days, politics is all about being seen to be doing 'something' and in reality doing nothing. Deceiving people. Never being able to answer a simple question with yes or no. Evading answers, distracting and verbalising utter rubbish in order to avoid scrutiny, aiming to make ordinary people believe politicians are changing something for the better (inquiries, reviews, quango's) when they are not. Ordinary people are finally waking up to the fact they have been duped for a very long time.

None of this makes any difference to what Trump actually did. Support him for all these things if you wish but you can't deny that his actions are anti-democratic.
Original post by guestpost
who is donald trump
A random guy from Alabama.