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Things that worry me a little

I am a little worried about the next US general election, and what worries me is ho wTrump will handle three conflicts: the one in kraine, the one in Gaza and a potential third in Taiwan.

When Trump was president, I used to sit and let out steam at the foxnews forum. When I first arrived, I noticed that the tone of that forum was much sharper than it was in any other forum I had visited online. It was a sort of battleground.

Now, all my knowledge of Trump comes from his own administration, who at the time sat on 60 minutes 24/7 lamenting their boss. That is, all his national security advisors, bolton, mcmasters and so on sat all day on 60 minutes describing Trump as an illiiterate man with attention deficiit disorder. Then he has a niese, who also sat online describing her uncle as a character from the 1970s movie The Omen. And on top of that a consortium of psychiatrists (100+?) published a huge book in which they remotely diagnosed him with some sort of charles manson diagnosis. These were higly respected medical professionals who also appeared on Tv quite often.

All my knowledge of Trump is second hand, and comes from the largest media outlets. I am a literary historian, and do not move in such circles. Still, this information that I then got makes me worried about how he will defend democratic values at a time when they are being placed under pressure. What are your thoughts about this?
Original post by michaelhw
I am a little worried about the next US general election, and what worries me is ho wTrump will handle three conflicts: the one in kraine, the one in Gaza and a potential third in Taiwan.

When Trump was president, I used to sit and let out steam at the foxnews forum. When I first arrived, I noticed that the tone of that forum was much sharper than it was in any other forum I had visited online. It was a sort of battleground.

Now, all my knowledge of Trump comes from his own administration, who at the time sat on 60 minutes 24/7 lamenting their boss. That is, all his national security advisors, bolton, mcmasters and so on sat all day on 60 minutes describing Trump as an illiiterate man with attention deficiit disorder. Then he has a niese, who also sat online describing her uncle as a character from the 1970s movie The Omen. And on top of that a consortium of psychiatrists (100+?) published a huge book in which they remotely diagnosed him with some sort of charles manson diagnosis. These were higly respected medical professionals who also appeared on Tv quite often.

All my knowledge of Trump is second hand, and comes from the largest media outlets. I am a literary historian, and do not move in such circles. Still, this information that I then got makes me worried about how he will defend democratic values at a time when they are being placed under pressure. What are your thoughts about this?

trump is different shall we say. he was a external candidate one that had no previous political experience and was elected on a wave of populism, i believe that the American people wanted a radical change, they wanted to brake free from the monotonous status quo that exists in the political realm by electing trump, who the public knows about from the likes of the apprentice (tv show) people saw him as someone who could make decisions logically, obviously now we know that didn't quite work out well.
i don't know but i truly hope that trump dose not get re-elected because he is still to much of an unknown, he is incredibly right wing, as is the unmistakable fact that polarisation of American politics the democrats are going left and the republicans even further right, the truth is if he gets elected again America is big trouble. he is the kind of guy to say we need secure borders, he has claimed that he would sit down with Putin and get him to stop the war, but these are just words. you can not bargain with a dictator.
if elected tensions with china will escalate most defiantly so Taiwan may well become a point of contention but as long as he spits out the rhetoric that he will 'make America great again' something will have to give and as Vladimir Lenin once said 'a lie told often enough becomes the truth' but we will have to wait and find out what the future holds but i hope America will think long and hard about this as it will the whole world (this is my opinion some facts have been included but some are m own commentary)
hope this helps :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by godsavedthequeen
trump is different shall we say. he was a external candidate one that had no previous political experience and was elected on a wave of populism, i believe that the American people wanted a radical change, they wanted to brake free from the monotonous status quo that exists in the political realm by electing trump, who the public knows about from the likes of the apprentice (tv show) people saw him as someone who could make decisions logically, obviously now we know that didn't quite work out well.
i don't know but i truly hope that trump dose not get re-elected because he is still to much of an unknown, he is incredibly right wing, as is the unmistakable fact that polarisation of American politics the democrats are going left and the republicans even further right, the truth is if he gets elected again America is big trouble. he is the kind of guy to say we need secure borders, he has claimed that he would sit down with Putin and get him to stop the war, but these are just words. you can not bargain with a dictator.
if elected tensions with china will escalate most defiantly so Taiwan may well become a point of contention but as long as he spits out the rhetoric that he will 'make America great again' something will have to give and as Vladimir Lenin once said 'a lie told often enough becomes the truth' but we will have to wait and find out what the future holds but i hope America will think long and hard about this as it will the whole world (this is my opinion some facts have been included but some are m own commentary)
hope this helps :smile:

It is very important to note that as a European, what sort of abortion rights they have in the US or what sort of tax system they have might not be my business. But if the US will not defend the same values that they defended in the last cold war, that is a major issue. It is also important that the US follows Reagan's lead during the Ozon-crisis and try to work to lower greenhouse gasses. Except for these two very central points, I am willing to let the US have whatever president they want without making a racket.

I wish Trump would have said something to the effect that he would stand up for these values.

I think, even though he is a dictator, Xi is really concerned about global warming. Even if he might be deadlocked on other issues. Even if the Chinese communist party is a totalitarian body, I think they have some notion that they need to serve the people, and provide good things for them. In that sense they are not stalinists. You can see this through how swiftly they repond to health emergencies and drought and so on. They do care, but they don't like any lip 🙂

Maybe it is possible for Europe to bypass Trump on the environmental issue, and appeal directly to Xi, his Sith over-Lord? But will this be possible after a Taiwanese war? The Chinese obsession with Taiwain is rational in a sense. Chang-Kai Chek was a war criminal who committed attrocities during the Chinese civil war. He was trained by the Japanse, and applied their methods. Consequently, he was placed in the "Nanjing category", and Taiwan became the "Argentina" to which the monster had fled. But he resigned, and retired from politics. And all the people who were alive at that time are long since dead. So, it has now transformed into some sort of self-sustaining obsession. Taiwan is no threat whatsoever to China, which is a giant. But is it snow some sort of nationalist flag waiving policy.

But Tawain is a western democracy, which never gets the credit it deserves.

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