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Do you wish Johnson to return?

If Trump is elected in the US, his political views may again gain traction. Johnson was one of his European friends. What are your views on a potential Johnson comeback?
Reply 1
Original post by michaelhw
If Trump is elected in the US, his political views may again gain traction. Johnson was one of his European friends. What are your views on a potential Johnson comeback?

No chance. He's been hung out to dry in the COVID enquiry and exposed for the hopeless and erratic leader he is. Plus he makes more money not being in government. I think he's probably ticked off being PM on his bucket list.

We now need to worry about straight (BS) talking Farage now.
first and foremost trump......................... great guy splendid guy one of the best people to grace the earth most defiantly the next republican candidate for the presidency but he is riding on a wave of far right popularism that has become prevalent in society just look at Italy, Georgia meloni the Netherlands with geert wilders viktor orban in Hungary all elected as the country's leaders by way of having the most votes, all of these have been described as far right just like trump. all are popular in there own countries. but these cant be compared to trump, this morning or yesterday idk when Colorado banned trump from running on the states ballot for presidency and whilst Colorado is a blue state it is a matte of perception.

Boris on the other hand retains major support he is the most popular politician in the conservative party still, and still in the top 3 most popular politicans today (29% approval rating), by contrast labour leader Keir stammer is only the 9th most popular labour politician (22%) behind Jeremy Corbyn (23%) and Gordon brown the former pm (24%) so while it may be easy to conclude that Boris is in the best positions to reclaim the conservative party it is best put by @hotpud he make more money outside of politics according to the BBC £5 million, but we cant rule out a comeback from him, look at David Cameron he was making a lot of money
Nigel Farage on the other hand is damaged goods he is too synonymous with the far right to even look like a PM and if he runs i believe he would suffer the same fate as Jeremy Corbyn who did not appeal to a wide enough base to get elected, and delt labour there worst defeat since 1934 i believe so unless by some pure miracle Keir screws everything up in his manifesto that will be launched some time next year Boris wont make his come back and Farage wont get a sniff of the premiership
hope this helps :smile:
Nigel Farage is damaged goods he is too synonymous with the far right to even look like a PM and if he runs i believe he would suffer the same fate as Jeremy Corbyn who did not appeal to a wide enough base to get elected, and delt labour there worst defeat since 1934 i believe so unless by some pure miracle Keir screws everything up in his manifesto that will be launched some time next year Boris wont make his come back and Farage wont get a sniff of the premiership
Reply 5
Original post by godsavedthequeen
Nigel Farage on the other hand is damaged goods he is too synonymous with the far right to even look like a PM and if he runs i believe he would suffer the same fate as Jeremy Corbyn who did not appeal to a wide enough base to get elected, and delt labour there worst defeat since 1934 i believe so unless by some pure miracle Keir screws everything up in his manifesto that will be launched some time next year Boris wont make his come back and Farage wont get a sniff of the premiership
hope this helps :smile:

Do you think Labour has any chance at the next election? I see that the Tories are in a slope. In my view the right wing candidates you mention are nothing to wish for. What worries me most is not their right wing immigration rants, but the combination of populism and attacks on the democratic process and free speech etc. It is very important that people who are elected also leave peacefully, and that they do not try do odd things to the opposition or rewrite laws in order to improve their own chances. If I could be assured that they would leave if they lose support, and not attack the system which gave them power, I would be less concerned. Free speech is also very important. People who are politicians must expect to be criticized for what they do, that is part of the job description. They say that everyone is entitled to an opinion concerning their own case, and when it comes to politicians we are all affected by their policies.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by michaelhw
If Trump is elected in the US, his political views may again gain traction. Johnson was one of his European friends. What are your views on a potential Johnson comeback?

Boris and Trump are not really one and the same. Boris pushed at convention but lacks any real conviction to actually do anything meaningful. Trump believes that the establishment must be destroyed Vs used.

I would tend to believe that Boris won't back. He's over 50, he's minted as a former PM making speeches and writing books and he's satisfied his ego. I think that his position now is different to when he was still in parliament in that it's no longer a quick move to 'save the party and country'.

So I'd place the chance of him contesting the election after this one (2029 or before) at about 25%.
(edited 1 year ago)
If Johnson is what it takes to see the back of the current PM and Lord Cameron, I'd very grudgingly vote for him again.

But I doubt that he would ever want to return to being a member of the commons and subject to their income disclosure regime.
He has a young family, is earning a very comfortable living without any of the public disclosure requirements applicable to MPs, will probably release his memoirs within the next 2-3 years and is almost certain to be sent to the Lords before the end of this decade.
Original post by michaelhw
If Trump is elected in the US, his political views may again gain traction. Johnson was one of his European friends. What are your views on a potential Johnson comeback?

No ma’am he shouldn’t come back if anything I’d like to see him be investigated further for his past actions (Handling of COVID, Partygate etc).

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