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feeling depressed, got 3/4 medical school rejections

I know I’m due to get a fourth - as one of the unis has started sending all the invites out. They also confirmed they wouldn’t send anymore out.

I don’t know what to do and have bawling my eyes out for the past hour. I feel like I’ve achieved nothing in my life and feel so stagnant. I’m now almost mid twenties and don’t know if I should give up on my dream.

I also want to quit my job (work at a hospital w lots of doctors) and it’s going to be very very soul crushing to stay when people know I’ve prev applied and have been rejected. Would appreciate any advice. In such a bad headspace at the mo. Thanks :frown:
Reply 1
First and foremost, do not give a crap about what people think/say. It doesn't matter if they know you've been rejected, life doesn't stop there and everyone goes at their own pace; you don't need to feel embarassed about it. There will be tons of opportunities for you to take to achieve your dreams, so you shouldn't give up on them, especially since it's something you clearly want. If you really want to get into med school, you get into med school. This is just one setback but nothing you can't get through. Do you have an idea of why you were rejected in the first place, because the first step would be to fix that if it's possible. If it's just because it's too competitive, then you try again next time, or research your options and see if there is another pathway that you can take to achieve what you want. Even if it means you have to wait a year or go through clearing or try a different route, do what you must to make it happen and be patient because life is full of setbacks, but that doesn't mean you need to stop at each hurdle. You get past it and move on. You can be upset about it but just remember to keep going, for as long as you want it. Stay positive, I hope you find a way that will work out for you soon <3
Original post by imjustagirl22
I know I’m due to get a fourth - as one of the unis has started sending all the invites out. They also confirmed they wouldn’t send anymore out.

I don’t know what to do and have bawling my eyes out for the past hour. I feel like I’ve achieved nothing in my life and feel so stagnant. I’m now almost mid twenties and don’t know if I should give up on my dream.

I also want to quit my job (work at a hospital w lots of doctors) and it’s going to be very very soul crushing to stay when people know I’ve prev applied and have been rejected. Would appreciate any advice. In such a bad headspace at the mo. Thanks :frown:

Okay im going to write two parts to my response. Supportive and then practical.

Supportive: So so many people get all of their rejections. It shard and there's so many applicants. Dont beat yourself up. Look fear yourself take a break and make sure you are okay. It will suck and nothing anyone can say will make it any better but do things that make you feel okay. Reach out to people (including me) if you need to chat.

Practical: Don't quit your job. All experience is good experience. Dont quit until/unless you have a plan in place. Yes people know you've been rejected but resilience and perseverance shows a strong character. People get rejected from medicine in the grand scheme of things you colleagues dont care. Dont give up on your dream. There are so many routes into medicine and health care. Are you a first time applicant? My cousin applied got offers but didnt get the grades (2021 covid grades). Retook got the grades but no offers. So he applied a third time and got in. You can always try again. If you do decide to try again, email the universities you applied to and ask for feedback. If you applied to really really good unis maybe consider applying to at least 2 lower medicine schools if you think this would work for you.

If you do decide this career isn't for you then thats okay but i would say dont give up until you either feel ready to or until all of your options have run out. There are also so many medical fields that aren't a doctor that are worthwhile, academic with good wages, research opportunities and career progression so its worth looking into back up options. If you continue trying to get into med school (which i think you should) having a good solid back up option that you are interested in might take the pressure off and make you feel like failure is a bit less daunting.

Im a current vet student so i kinda understand the difficulty in applications and such so let me know (PM me) if you want to chat more.
Original post by imjustagirl22
I know I’m due to get a fourth - as one of the unis has started sending all the invites out. They also confirmed they wouldn’t send anymore out.

I don’t know what to do and have bawling my eyes out for the past hour. I feel like I’ve achieved nothing in my life and feel so stagnant. I’m now almost mid twenties and don’t know if I should give up on my dream.

I also want to quit my job (work at a hospital w lots of doctors) and it’s going to be very very soul crushing to stay when people know I’ve prev applied and have been rejected. Would appreciate any advice. In such a bad headspace at the mo. Thanks :frown:

Is this your first time applying.Ask for feedback to see what you could improve on.Highly competitive courses.If you have done two or three rounds already that is the time to rethink your ambitions.There are other degrees that will lead to working in health such as physio or sonography or you could take the P A route.
Reply 4
Original post by imjustagirl22
I know I’m due to get a fourth - as one of the unis has started sending all the invites out. They also confirmed they wouldn’t send anymore out.
I don’t know what to do and have bawling my eyes out for the past hour. I feel like I’ve achieved nothing in my life and feel so stagnant. I’m now almost mid twenties and don’t know if I should give up on my dream.
I also want to quit my job (work at a hospital w lots of doctors) and it’s going to be very very soul crushing to stay when people know I’ve prev applied and have been rejected. Would appreciate any advice. In such a bad headspace at the mo. Thanks :frown:

Hey I am in a similar situation as you right now, can I ask how everything went and what you needed uo doing ?
Reply 5
Original post by Shush000
Hey I am in a similar situation as you right now, can I ask how everything went and what you needed uo doing ?

This was OP's last post so you probably will not get a response.

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