The Student Room Group

Academic Goals for 2024

Hello TSR Community,
Happy New Year - here is to wishing 2024 will be our best year yet :biggrin:! As we all get ready to go back to school, what academic goals do we have in mind? This can be big or as small as we like - and it doesn't matter what study level we are in (GCSE, A Level, BTEC, uni etc)!

If you want to contribute elsewhere by letting us know what general goals you have, you can do so here: TSR: what are the goals you want to achieve in 2024? :smile: - The Student Room

Can't wait to see your responses!

*Feel free to also ask any general questions about GCSEs, A Levels, how to revise etc!

1) Your name
2) Where you are from in the world
3) Study Level
4) Your Goals/Any Questions you want to ask

Emmanuella :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)

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I'll start!
My name is Emmanuella. I am a Year 13 from London doing A Level Psychology, Sociology and Spanish (all AQA)
I want to:

Create revision plans that ensure I succeed academically

Make sure I revise 5 hours per subject every week

Ensure I have a good school-life balance

(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
I'm a year 10 from London doing triple sci, comp sci, geo and stats. (and ofc the cores - eng and maths!)

My goals for this year:

create revision resources for year 11

revise regularly at home

create an effective timetable for revision and mock szn!

Happy new year! I'm LifeHappens and I'm from London studying in year 10 (for GCSEs).

I'm doing the classic maths, english lit, english lang, triple science + an extra core of RS (which is quite a pain). I picked a language, computer science and geography for GCSEs as well.

My academic goals for 2024 are:

Maintain my grades by working hard and revising effectively

Make good revision resources which would be useful for mocks and actual GCSEs

Improve my grades in the subjects I dislike/find difficult (RS and biology)

Original post by anxnyx
I'm a year 10 from London doing triple sci, comp sci, geo and stats. (and ofc the cores - eng and maths!)

My goals for this year:

create revision resources for year 11

revise regularly at home

create an effective timetable for revision and mock szn!

@anxnyx - good luck! :smile:
Original post by *LifeHappens*
Happy new year! I'm LifeHappens and I'm from London studying in year 10 (for GCSEs).

I'm doing the classic maths, english lit, english lang, triple science + an extra core of RS (which is quite a pain). I picked a language, computer science and geography for GCSEs as well.

My academic goals for 2024 are:

Maintain my grades by working hard and revising effectively

Make good revision resources which would be useful for mocks and actual GCSEs

Improve my grades in the subjects I dislike/find difficult (RS and biology)

you can do it!!
Original post by emm4nuella
Hello TSR Community,
Happy New Year - here is to wishing 2024 will be our best year yet :biggrin:! As we all get ready to go back to school, what academic goals do we have in mind? This can be big or as small as we like - and it doesn't matter what study level we are in (GCSE, A Level, BTEC, uni etc)!

If you want to contribute elsewhere by letting us know what general goals you have, you can do so here: TSR: what are the goals you want to achieve in 2024? :smile: - The Student Room

Can't wait to see your responses!

*Feel free to also ask any general questions about GCSEs, A Levels, how to revise etc!

1) Your name
2) Where you are from in the world
3) Study Level
4) Your Goals/Any Questions you want to ask

Emmanuella :smile:

Hiya! My name is Varun and I'm in year 13 (studying for A levels).

I am from Yorkshire in England.

My goals for 2024:

Get at least 3 A*s in my 5 subjects (Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry Computer Science and EPQ).

Try to ace the STEP in the limited time I have because I need to sit the admissions test as part of my offer from Imperial (it will be my third admissions test that I am having to sit).

Ensure that I finish the entire course for all of my subjects by end of March so I have time to go over everything.

Start to cover content that we did in year 12 as part of revision for my A levels

Find the right work-life balance (I'm representing Yorkshire in an inter-county cup, which contributes to an international rating so I will get my own profile for that, which I'm stoked about).

Finish my NEA before the start of February (documentation included).

Original post by *LifeHappens*
Happy new year! I'm LifeHappens and I'm from London studying in year 10 (for GCSEs).

I'm doing the classic maths, english lit, english lang, triple science + an extra core of RS (which is quite a pain). I picked a language, computer science and geography for GCSEs as well.

My academic goals for 2024 are:

Maintain my grades by working hard and revising effectively

Make good revision resources which would be useful for mocks and actual GCSEs

Improve my grades in the subjects I dislike/find difficult (RS and biology)

I was the same as you in the sense that I had to do GCSE RS (our school forced our whole year to do it) but since I already had one humanity, I didn't want to do Geography as well (I wanted to do Geography as my one humanity subject rather than RS but this was before I found out we got forced to do RS).

For RS, I'd recommend becoming a first class waffler. Create flashcards for quotes and you should be OK for the rest of it.

For Biology, I'd recommend buying the revision guide and then just memorising that....that's what I did. Do LOADS of questions and past papers in addition to this to highlight any weak areas and that will get you the top grades. The mark schemes for Biology are extremely broken so make sure you mention the key words or phrases that carry the marks.

Good luck!
Original post by emm4nuella
Hello TSR Community,
Happy New Year - here is to wishing 2024 will be our best year yet :biggrin:! As we all get ready to go back to school, what academic goals do we have in mind? This can be big or as small as we like - and it doesn't matter what study level we are in (GCSE, A Level, BTEC, uni etc)!

If you want to contribute elsewhere by letting us know what general goals you have, you can do so here: TSR: what are the goals you want to achieve in 2024? :smile: - The Student Room

Can't wait to see your responses!

*Feel free to also ask any general questions about GCSEs, A Levels, how to revise etc!

1) Your name
2) Where you are from in the world
3) Study Level
4) Your Goals/Any Questions you want to ask

Emmanuella :smile:

I'm ActiveEccentric, a 1st year living in North East England though from Hong Kong.

Minimum goal: 70% average for 1st year, 70% for all modules
Ideal: 91.5% average for 1st year as I would manage to beat the mature student who did well in University math competition in my uni by a hair.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by ActiveEccentric
I'm ActiveEccentric, a 1st year living in North East England though from Hong Kong.

Minimum goal: 70% average for 1st year, 70% for all modules
Ideal: 91.5% average for 1st year as I would manage to beat the mature student who did well in University math competition in my uni by a hair.

Which uni??
Maybe publish something.
Original post by vnayak
Which uni??

Hiya! I'm a Year 9 - just came from India.

I'm going to have to actually commit to making flashcards, instead of just postponing it until the unit is over

Get good enough grades in the final test that I'm allowed to take triple seperate sciences in Year 10/11(My school is pretty selective on that)

Just be better at taking exams. I usually know the correct answer, but the exams make my brain fail. I'll probs have to do some practice papers, but I can't find any year 9 ones

Does anyone have Year 9 resources for science and history? My chemistry teacher is awful. I can find GCSE ones, but in science the definitions are often different, so even though it's correct, its wrong in the exam
Original post by Darsh Rathod
Hiya! I'm a Year 9 - just came from India.

I'm going to have to actually commit to making flashcards, instead of just postponing it until the unit is over

Get good enough grades in the final test that I'm allowed to take triple seperate sciences in Year 10/11(My school is pretty selective on that)

Just be better at taking exams. I usually know the correct answer, but the exams make my brain fail. I'll probs have to do some practice papers, but I can't find any year 9 ones

Does anyone have Year 9 resources for science and history? My chemistry teacher is awful. I can find GCSE ones, but in science the definitions are often different, so even though it's correct, its wrong in the exam

Isaac Physics has some year 9 resources.
Original post by vnayak
Hiya! My name is Varun and I'm in year 13 (studying for A levels).

I am from Yorkshire in England.

My goals for 2024:

Get at least 3 A*s in my 5 subjects (Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry Computer Science and EPQ).

Try to ace the STEP in the limited time I have because I need to sit the admissions test as part of my offer from Imperial (it will be my third admissions test that I am having to sit).

Ensure that I finish the entire course for all of my subjects by end of March so I have time to go over everything.

Start to cover content that we did in year 12 as part of revision for my A levels

Find the right work-life balance (I'm representing Yorkshire in an inter-county cup, which contributes to an international rating so I will get my own profile for that, which I'm stoked about).

Finish my NEA before the start of February (documentation included).

@vnayak - sounds like a lot to manage and i have faith you can do it! i wish you the best of luck ❤️
Original post by ActiveEccentric
I'm ActiveEccentric, a 1st year living in North East England though from Hong Kong.

Minimum goal: 70% average for 1st year, 70% for all modules
Ideal: 91.5% average for 1st year as I would manage to beat the mature student who did well in University math competition in my uni by a hair.

hi @ActiveEccentric - good luck :smile:!
Original post by gjd800
Maybe publish something.

@gjd800 sounds awesome :biggrin: - really hope you achieve this!!
Original post by Darsh Rathod
Hiya! I'm a Year 9 - just came from India.

I'm going to have to actually commit to making flashcards, instead of just postponing it until the unit is over

Get good enough grades in the final test that I'm allowed to take triple seperate sciences in Year 10/11(My school is pretty selective on that)

Just be better at taking exams. I usually know the correct answer, but the exams make my brain fail. I'll probs have to do some practice papers, but I can't find any year 9 ones

Does anyone have Year 9 resources for science and history? My chemistry teacher is awful. I can find GCSE ones, but in science the definitions are often different, so even though it's correct, its wrong in the exam

@Darsh Rathod - wishing you the best of luck :smile:
Original post by emm4nuella
@vnayak - sounds like a lot to manage and i have faith you can do it! i wish you the best of luck ❤️

@emm4nuella Thank you! I wish you all of the best too for your future endeavours. I have no doubt that you will get what you need.
Original post by vnayak
I was the same as you in the sense that I had to do GCSE RS (our school forced our whole year to do it) but since I already had one humanity, I didn't want to do Geography as well (I wanted to do Geography as my one humanity subject rather than RS but this was before I found out we got forced to do RS).

For RS, I'd recommend becoming a first class waffler. Create flashcards for quotes and you should be OK for the rest of it.

For Biology, I'd recommend buying the revision guide and then just memorising that....that's what I did. Do LOADS of questions and past papers in addition to this to highlight any weak areas and that will get you the top grades. The mark schemes for Biology are extremely broken so make sure you mention the key words or phrases that carry the marks.

Good luck!

Ah yes, I guess the GCSE RS as a core subject is implemented nationwide lol.

So far, I've done flashcards but packed so much info on it, I'm very reluctant to memorise them. I think it might help to instead just put the quotes on for each topic and memorise those, so thanks for that wake up call!

Yes I agree, the mark schemes for science overall are tremendously specific, but biology is the worst in that area from my experience. I'll make sure to keep a good note of key terms and phrases!

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