The Student Room Group

New Year, New Start

Hello Everyone.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New years break. Whether you are in first, second or third year, January is the month of new beginnings. Set yourself the goal to do at least 30 minutes of uni work each night, go to a pretty cafe, or where ever you feel most comfortable in and start to study. Let this year be the year you develop habits that'll help you get in with uni, and everyday life. But also, have some funnn

You got this! :smile:

Hassa, Liverpool Hope UNIVERISTY, Ambassador
Original post by Liverpool Hope Student Ambassador
Hello Everyone.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New years break. Whether you are in first, second or third year, January is the month of new beginnings. Set yourself the goal to do at least 30 minutes of uni work each night, go to a pretty cafe, or where ever you feel most comfortable in and start to study. Let this year be the year you develop habits that'll help you get in with uni, and everyday life. But also, have some funnn

You got this! :smile:

Hassa, Liverpool Hope UNIVERISTY, Ambassador

Hi Hassa,

Happy New Year!

What a great idea to set a goal for finding a study spot and getting some work done each night. Where do you most like to study?

Developing healthy, productive habits in university really is the best way to succeed! 🙂 I am on study abroad this year (so I aim to enjoy it!) but my other goal is to put in the work now to set myself up nicely for my final year, which includes creating a good study routine and keeping a planner to track important dates and deadlines.

Best of luck to all students!

Third-year Geography with a Year Abroad Student
Original post by Liverpool Hope Student Ambassador
Hello Everyone.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New years break. Whether you are in first, second or third year, January is the month of new beginnings. Set yourself the goal to do at least 30 minutes of uni work each night, go to a pretty cafe, or where ever you feel most comfortable in and start to study. Let this year be the year you develop habits that'll help you get in with uni, and everyday life. But also, have some funnn

You got this! :smile:

Hassa, Liverpool Hope UNIVERISTY, Ambassador

Hey Hassa,

Thanks for the uplifting message! I completely agree that January is a great time for new beginnings and setting goals for the year ahead. It's important to establish good study habits and find a comfortable environment to focus on our university work. Taking just 30 minutes each night can make a big difference in staying on top of things.

But let's not forget to have some fun too! University life is about finding a balance between academics and enjoying ourselves. Exploring pretty cafes or other cosy spots sounds like a great idea. It's always nice to change up the study environment and make it more enjoyable.

In addition to studying in cafes, you could also consider creating a study group with classmates. Collaborating with others can make studying more engaging and productive. Another idea is to make use of university resources like libraries or study halls, which provide a quiet and focused atmosphere.

Lastly, don't underestimate the power of self-care. Taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in activities you enjoy can help you recharge and maintain motivation throughout the year.

Best wishes,
Ilya :smile:
New Year! New Resolutions!

This year I have made some resolutions for myself to maintain a good study/life balance!


Read more books! (not just study books but also sorry books)


Hangout with friends more !


All forms of exercise and health food


Save more money



As it is my last year in uni, I want to try my best to ensure I have these lifestyle changes as habits to enable me to have a good work life balance as a junior doctor.

All the best,
Haya- MBBS 5
Original post by Liverpool Hope Student Ambassador
Hello Everyone.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New years break. Whether you are in first, second or third year, January is the month of new beginnings. Set yourself the goal to do at least 30 minutes of uni work each night, go to a pretty cafe, or where ever you feel most comfortable in and start to study. Let this year be the year you develop habits that'll help you get in with uni, and everyday life. But also, have some funnn

You got this! :smile:

Hassa, Liverpool Hope UNIVERISTY, Ambassador

Hi Hassa,

Hope you had a good break too :-)
Love your idea for setting an achievable goal of 30minutes and for getting out to study. One of the best parts of being a student in Glasgow is the plethora of options for where to go.

Best wishes for 2024!
Catherine - University of Strathclyde Student Ambassador

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