The answer to your main question is that no one can say with any degree of certainty. Everyone reacts to alcohol differently. However, even though you haven't asked for it, you do need to be aware that there are red flags all over this situation. You recognise that 8 drinks a day is unhealthy, but you don't seem to have reflected on the issues of having 3-5 drinks a day, nor on the fact that you cannot physically abstain from alcohol for longer than four days. The 3-5 drink consumption is also unhealthy, particularly if those drinks are more than one unit, which I suspect they are. But if you can't go for more than four days without a drink, that suggests dependency.
It's for you to assess this situation and take the decisions that are best for you, but if I were you I'd be trying to cut alcohol out entirely for longer than two weeks for health reasons rather than tolerance reasons. As much as I don't go for fad diets or monthly behavioural changes, why not try for the whole month? Given that Dry January is a thing, you should be able to more readily find support from those around you and beyond, and it gives you a ready made excuse in your usual social groups. If you get through the month you can then reassess. Chances are you will feel a lot better if you do get through it, and may well consider more permanent changes.