Okay so bear with me as I've never made a post like this but im really struggling with picking my highers for next year which are due in a week.
Currently I'm taking history, rmps, dance, business and English at a national 5 level .
Aswell as chemistry and maths at a national 4 level .
I'm pretty certain in taking english, rmps, history, and busness, as highers but am not wanting to take dance into a higher qualification as I don't believe I will pass .I'm also not wanting to take maths onto a national 5 level this year which means I need another subject. I was considering crashing higher modern studies or higher psychology but im not sure how difficult they will be so really what my question is can anyone who has taken these give me some advice on how challenging it would be?
Would it be bad to take 3 humanities subjects at the same time?
And lastly and I may make an additional post for this question but is doing maths in 6 year essential or is it okay to just do it at collage after obtaining my other qualifications aka highers .
Thank u if u read all that