The Student Room Group

how do people enjoy this

Alcohol, doesn't taste great but people seem to love it. Is it more to do with chasing the drunk sensation rather than the taste?

Also, why is it the only drug where if you don't do it, people think you are strange.
Bit of both - most people adapt to the taste, not drinking cheap rot also helps. Also yeah a lot of people like having a buzz or the adventure of getting proper wrecked once in a while.

We're even worse with caffeine tbh, first thing in the morning for many and no laws to say you can't chug a litre of espresso then drive a car shrug, take out a can of beer at work and many would still raise an eyebrow or object but they won't bat an eyelid at a can of Monster/Rockstar etc, no matter how much of a jittery irritable loose bowelled mess it makes you..
Reply 2
Good question. A mixture of some pleasant tastes, a pleasant initial reduction in tension, habit forming properties and relentless marketing. Like most drugs, at the right dose it can be ok, but it is widely abused and the cause of a lot of problems
The tastes of alcoholic beverages vary a lot depending on the type of drink, alcohol volume and sometimes the drinks brand.

Regularly drinking boozy drinks is a long standing uk tradition going back centuries and is a big part of British culture.
Drinking with meals, at bars & nightclubs, when celebrating or socialising after work/at weekends.
As much I don't want to admit it, I hate the taste but I enjoy the buzz it gives.
Reply 5
I am totally agree with you the taste of Alcholol is not very good I don't know why people love to drink it such a weird things to me..

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