is 12 days of intense revision enough for my mocks? I do some revision and have a a good understanding of most a level topics and was hoping for at least an A in my exams? any advice? thanks
is 12 days of intense revision enough for my mocks? I do some revision and have a a good understanding of most a level topics and was hoping for at least an A in my exams? any advice? thanks
It would be ideal to get as much time as you can to revise for mocks, but it's much more critical to know how to use that time more effectively. As you've already mentioned your understanding of most topics are good, with the time you can dedicate to revision I think it's important that you start by identifying which topics you could brush up on.
Start with going through the specification in chronological order. Carefully read all the bullet points and highlight the specification points that you don't know much about and could use more revision in. This way, you aren't wasting time on subjects you have good understanding of. With those identified specification points, revise them. Use the revision method that has worked for you. Re-read, refine any notes, fully understand any key ideas and processes. After you've revised the content, I recommend you test your knowledge by doing topical past paper questions and see how well you've done.
Drilling past papers can do so much, and so many people benefit from them as it prepares people for what type of questions to expect and how they're formatted.
is 12 days of intense revision enough for my mocks? I do some revision and have a a good understanding of most a level topics and was hoping for at least an A in my exams? any advice? thanks
i mean ive only done a few days of revision and i think im okay, so twelve days of INTENSE revision seems like more than enough for me !