Hi! x
I applied for dual child and adult nursing.
My interview was online through the SAMMI system.
I struggled finding any threads too so I hope this helps you!
I’d say the most important thing you could do is practise talking to yourself in the camera on your laptop. The questions are pre recorded and so you find yourself talking to yourself which can be daunting! (I found myself looking down way too much- don’t be scared to face the camera)
They do have 4 minutes for every question with a slider moving as the time passes.
Don’t worry about using all the time up, rather make sure your answers make a good impact (I definitely repeated myself way too much because I was stressed about the time)
and make it clear why you want to study adult nursing in particular.
There is a break inbetween questions- take a sip of water. Helped me with the nerves.
Oh and be prepared for slightly different situation questions.
As long as you know the values of nursing you’ll be fine!

Ps- remember to sell yourself in every answer! I found that they asked a lot of “explain why you would react/answer that way”
You’ll do great!! Good luck and tell me how it goes!