The Student Room Group

Nursing interview at Robert Gordon University

Does anyone know how long RGU takes after a nursing interview?
Had mine yesterday and I’m super anxious. Hoping it’s not a long wait.
Original post by Shan1109
Does anyone know how long RGU takes after a nursing interview?
Had mine yesterday and I’m super anxious. Hoping it’s not a long wait.

Hi @Shan1109 well done on getting through your interview. Have you applied for adult or MH?
Can I ask was your interview in person or online? I’ve been invited to do an online interview next week. I can’t find anything or any threads about people who have had their interviews online though - it all seems to have been in person / group interviews.
I’ve applied for the BSc(hons) Adult.

Best of luck & fingers crossed for you! Sure everything went fine.
Original post by Shan1109
Hi! x

I applied for dual child and adult nursing.
My interview was online through the SAMMI system.

I struggled finding any threads too so I hope this helps you!

I’d say the most important thing you could do is practise talking to yourself in the camera on your laptop. The questions are pre recorded and so you find yourself talking to yourself which can be daunting! (I found myself looking down way too much- don’t be scared to face the camera)
They do have 4 minutes for every question with a slider moving as the time passes.
Don’t worry about using all the time up, rather make sure your answers make a good impact (I definitely repeated myself way too much because I was stressed about the time)
and make it clear why you want to study adult nursing in particular.

There is a break inbetween questions- take a sip of water. Helped me with the nerves.

Oh and be prepared for slightly different situation questions.
As long as you know the values of nursing you’ll be fine! :smile:

Ps- remember to sell yourself in every answer! I found that they asked a lot of “explain why you would react/answer that way”

You’ll do great!! Good luck and tell me how it goes!

Hi @Shan1109, sounds like you did great and were well prepared.
Thanks for the pointers, that’s so helpful as like you I haven’t been able to find anything about the online interview despite there being plenty online about the group type interview.
I’ll definitely have a practice of trying to speak into the camera beforehand to get used to it and I’m going to try and prepare as best as possible over the next few days.
I really hope that you don’t have too long to wait to find out the outcome. Do you think they’ll also invite you to a face to face / group interview following this? Or do you think you’ll just be given the outcome?
Yes, same - keep me posted on how it goes with you as well. Everything crossed for you, sure it’s gone well.
Hi i just done my online interview with SAMMI last week and came on looking to see if anyone knows how long you have to wait to find out if you have been accepted. Hope its not too long. Good luck to those still to do it x
Hey @Lisasuth1 how did you get on with your interview? I did mine on 29th January. Not sure how it went tbh but did my best. No feedback as to when we’ll hear back. I think I’ll email admissions to see if they know.
Original post by Wissit87
Hey @Lisasuth1 how did you get on with your interview? I did mine on 29th January. Not sure how it went tbh but did my best. No feedback as to when we’ll hear back. I think I’ll email admissions to see if they know.

Don't worry about anything yet as they will notify you when they have decided who they are taking in as student nurses. Either way you'll get a response from them.

You only just done your interview so it's still early for a response, just remember that they might be interviewing thousands of potential students for nursing courses at Robert Gordon university.

A NHS Scotland dual adult nurse and midwife
Reply 6
Original post by Shan1109
Does anyone know how long RGU takes after a nursing interview?
Had mine yesterday and I’m super anxious. Hoping it’s not a long wait.
My daughter had her interview in 2nd week of January and got an offer last week for child nursing and this week for child and mental health nursing so took 6-7 weeks after interview.
Reply 7
My interview was on the 9th of feb and i recived my offer last week aswell
Reply 8
Original post by jackwhitts
My daughter had her interview in 2nd week of January and got an offer last week for child nursing and this week for child and mental health nursing so took 6-7 weeks after interview.
ive applied for child and mental health also! i did my interview near the end of 2nd week of jan and im praying il get a response any day now; hopefully see your daughter there!
Reply 9
I’m about to do my MH nursing and interview is soon. Can anyone share possible questions asked please
Reply 10
Original post by Wissit87
Hey @Lisasuth1 how did you get on with your interview? I did mine on 29th January. Not sure how it went tbh but did my best. No feedback as to when we’ll hear back. I think I’ll email admissions to see if they know.

Any help with interview questions please I’m about to do my MH nursing interview soon
Reply 11
Original post by Lisasuth1
My interview was on the 9th of feb and i recived my offer last week aswell

Any help with the interview questions please I’m about to do mine as well
Original post by Gattoon
Any help with the interview questions please I’m about to do mine as well

It's against TSR rules to share interview questions as it gives an unfair advantage to those who follow. Have a look at the advice on the following thread:
Did my interview today, did anyone get an email confirmation from rgu saying that they've received the file. Super anxious that it's not uploaded properly despite getting on screen confirmation of successful upload.
Reply 14
Original post by Scotlassy83
Did my interview today, did anyone get an email confirmation from rgu saying that they've received the file. Super anxious that it's not uploaded properly despite getting on screen confirmation of successful upload.

No i didnt get a email untill it was my offer, good luck x

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