The Student Room Group

Is materials relevant to chemical engineering?

Ive applied for chemical engineering at Imperial, and was wondering if materials/polymers were relevant to the course? Ive looked at the course structure and theres nothing there to indicate that this is part of the course, so was just wondering if it was?
Also, my personal statement includes things like materials, chemical analysis, and building legislations. Does anyone know how I could talk about these to make them link to chem eng??
Please and thank you
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Original post by dentedmybrain
Ive applied for chemical engineering at Imperial, and was wondering if materials/polymers were relevant to the course? Ive looked at the course structure and theres nothing there to indicate that this is part of the course, so was just wondering if it was?
Also, my personal statement includes things like materials, chemical analysis, and building legislations. Does anyone know how I could talk about these to make them link to chem eng??
Please and thank you

The manufacturing and production of materials can be relevant to chemical engineering, because that's essentially what chemical engineering is: manufacture of chemicals, materials, etc. But actual materials science & engineering - which would be more defined as the research, development, and application of new and existing materials - is a different discipline (though you can sometimes get in with a chemical engineering degree).
Polymer engineering often does fall under chemical engineering research groups. Broader materials science work as above is largely separate usually (at least for solid-state materials).

I think there was a joint honours in materials and chemical engineering at Leeds or Liverpool (I forget which) which might be of interest...? Also one field that sort of branches both is nuclear engineering (although that involves a lot of other more specific material).

Anyway it's probably fine as personal statement material though if you're linking it to the chemical engineering angle as above.

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