Hi, I’m currently a psychology student at UOY and I hate it. It’s not what I want to do at all, the course isn’t interesting to me, the uni life is too big and overwhelming for me and I can’t find the motivation to go to lectures most days. I want to transfer to do illustration at YSJ as this has been a passion of mine for most of my life and I could actually see myself in an art career.
I have no idea how to start the process of switching both my course and uni! I don’t want to drop out of my current course until the end of the year as I need my student finance payments to continue. I don’t know how to apply for the new course through UCAS or where I can get a reference from since I’ve been out of college for two years. How will student finance work since I’ve already been at uni for 2 years? Will I get maintenance loan for the full 3 years of the new course? Do I have to reapply for student finance when I leave my current course? How and when do I even leave my current course? I have so many worries bubbling around my head I feel quite overwhelmed with it all, but I know the new course is the right choice for me.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.