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Have you found Open University a let down?

I applied to study religion, they matched me with a course that sounded mostly like Sociology. I have done 3 TMAs so far and they have all been Sociology based, there's a tiny bit of Religion right at the end.
I'm incredibly disappointed to be honest, my first two TMAs were very high marks and this latest one was rubbish, as it's a subject I am just not interested in at all, having studied it in A-Levels.

Any advice?
I'm assuming you're on either R45, R14-rs, or R23-rel.
For all three of them, stage 1 consists of interdisciplinary arts/humanities/social sciences modules and then have religion-specific modules at stages 2/3.

If that's not what you were expecting and you feel misled/let down, I understand. But in all fairness, the descriptions of those qualifications are quite upfront about it. e.g. for R45:

"Stage 1: You’ll be introduced to religious studies and philosophy by engaging with fascinating topics in an interdisciplinary study of the arts and humanities [...]"

"At Stage 2 you’ll progress from interdisciplinary study to focus on religions, philosophy and ethics. You’ll encounter various expressions of Christianity, Islam and Hinduism in different contexts [...]"
I wouldn't say let down, but I did find the stage 1 modules to be relatively boring - but you have to look at it from the perspective of a lot of stage 1 modules being made for people who have not been in education for a while or at all - so they are made to build everyone up to a point where they are ready for stage 2.

Stage 2 modules are considerably harder in my experience.
(edited 1 year ago)

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