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University choices

Hello, I am applying to mechanical engineering in the UK this year but am struggling to find 5 Unis that I am set on applying to.
I have an A in German and a C in Business, English lang. and Maths. I am now finishing my A level in Physics with a predicted A and am retaking maths with a predicted B.

I was hoping to apply to the University of Edinburgh (AAA-ABB) and Queen Mary (AAB), however, this seems like more of a reach now and my teacher has advised me to just pick one of the two as an aspirational choice. I believe I would be happier in Edinburgh but think my chances would be better going with Queen Mary.
What do you think?

I have also found it difficult to narrow down my other choices. I wanted to apply to at least two universities in London and two in Scotland. However, it has been really difficult to find good Unis with the right grade requirements, especially in London.
Any tips?
So, essentially = A German, A Physics, B Maths

Do either EB or QMUL specify the Maths grade?
What is the AAA-ABB grade range at EB all about - does it depend on your subjects, or contextual criteria, or what?

If you look beyond just Scotland and London, there are more possibilities :
Sussex - ABB-BBB - Engineering and Robotics, undergraduate courses : University of Sussex
Swansea - ABB-BBB - Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Courses - Swansea University
Portsmouth - BBB - BEng (Hons)/MEng Mechanical Engineering | University of Portsmouth
Reply 2
Original post by McGinger
So, essentially = A German, A Physics, B Maths

Do either EB or QMUL specify the Maths grade?
What is the AAA-ABB grade range at EB all about - does it depend on your subjects, or contextual criteria, or what?

If you look beyond just Scotland and London, there are more possibilities :
Sussex - ABB-BBB - Engineering and Robotics, undergraduate courses : University of Sussex
Swansea - ABB-BBB - Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Courses - Swansea University
Portsmouth - BBB - BEng (Hons)/MEng Mechanical Engineering | University of Portsmouth

No neither specify the Maths grade, however, I am worried that they won't care for my A in German compared to other applicants who may have an A in a science for example.

For EB, it said on the website that; if you have met the lower grade level listed, you will be entered into the selection process to be considered for a place on the relevant degree however this does not guarantee that you will receive an offer. Because competition for places is high, you will usually be expected to achieve the upper-grade level to receive an offer.

They also mentioned that the lower grade level is for widening access applicants. I have recently been struggling with my mental health and my teacher has mentioned that in her reference but I don't know how much that will affect their decision.

I have also heard that they are more lenient with international students however I don't know if that is true.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 3
Original post by McGinger
So, essentially = A German, A Physics, B Maths

Do either EB or QMUL specify the Maths grade?
What is the AAA-ABB grade range at EB all about - does it depend on your subjects, or contextual criteria, or what?

If you look beyond just Scotland and London, there are more possibilities :
Sussex - ABB-BBB - Engineering and Robotics, undergraduate courses : University of Sussex
Swansea - ABB-BBB - Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Courses - Swansea University
Portsmouth - BBB - BEng (Hons)/MEng Mechanical Engineering | University of Portsmouth

I would be open to looking outside of Scotland and London. However, I have found it difficult to figure out what cities to consider since I do not know the UK that well and want to make sure I have a good experience and would rather live in a bigger city. I will definitely check out Sussex though, thank you.

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