The Student Room Group

What course can I do with psychology , chemistry and spanish a-level?

Help plz 🙏🏾
I do think you can study neuroscience, psychology but i am not quite sure with chemistry because some unis might want another natural science as one of your alevels. I also think you can do speech and language therapy knowing that you are doing alevel psychology and alevel spanish and i also think unis would like that u are also doing alevel chemistry. Also i do think you can apply for diagnostic radiography
(edited 11 months ago)
Original post by Ebzzzzzz8
Help plz 🙏🏾

Pharmacology in Spain. =)
Original post by Ebzzzzzz8
Help plz 🙏🏾

What are your interests? Are you thinking STEM, healthcare, languages, etc?
Original post by Ebzzzzzz8
Help plz 🙏🏾

i have applied to linguistics with psychology and spanish, but it depends what kind of route you want to go down on

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