The Student Room Group

manchester or york

Hi there, I am a year 12 who is hoping to study international relations at university. Me and my dad have just been looking at the open days for the summer and he is making me pick between going to visit the university or york or the university of Manchester and i have no idea which one to choose. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi there, I am a year 12 who is hoping to study international relations at university. Me and my dad have just been looking at the open days for the summer and he is making me pick between going to visit the university or york or the university of Manchester and i have no idea which one to choose. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Hi! So I go to uni in York but I'm from Manchester. I think definitely go to whichever you're leaning more towards studying at - in terms of liking the modules/teaching styles or which is more likely for you to get into. I hadn't been to York prior to uni and I think it is so easy to get around seen as the city is small and the campus is easy to navigate since everything is close together, so it's very easy to settle in. Between the two, I'd recommend going to Manchester beforehand since it is such a massive place and is a city based uni rather than campus. Also keep an eye out for online open days for the ones you are unable to make. 🙂
Reply 2
Original post by phh03

Hi! So I go to uni in York but I'm from Manchester. I think definitely go to whichever you're leaning more towards studying at - in terms of liking the modules/teaching styles or which is more likely for you to get into. I hadn't been to York prior to uni and I think it is so easy to get around seen as the city is small and the campus is easy to navigate since everything is close together, so it's very easy to settle in. Between the two, I'd recommend going to Manchester beforehand since it is such a massive place and is a city based uni rather than campus. Also keep an eye out for online open days for the ones you are unable to make. 🙂

This was really helpful thank you!! What do you think of york in general? For living standards, I am leaning more towards york as I much prefer the quiet life and I like the idea of the collegiate system that they have there. Also, the accommodation at york looks much nicer too which is making me lean towards it. However, Manchester is closer to where I live and I have family who live there. Alongside this, Manchester seems to have a better reputation on the global spectrum which will probably be more useful for my course. Once again, thank you so much for your reply!
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #1
This was really helpful thank you!! What do you think of york in general? For living standards, I am leaning more towards york as I much prefer the quiet life and I like the idea of the collegiate system that they have there. Also, the accommodation at york looks much nicer too which is making me lean towards it. However, Manchester is closer to where I live and I have family who live there. Alongside this, Manchester seems to have a better reputation on the global spectrum which will probably be more useful for my course. Once again, thank you so much for your reply!

So for me I think Manchester is better in terms of the student experience and nightlife because it is so big and has so much to do, whereas for me York started to get boring really fast because it is so small and after 3 years you do end up doing everything. However, all of my friends who go to Manchester uni hate it and complain about the lack of support they receive from their tutors, whereas York offers a lot more. I think the college system is really good in terms of making friends and events and offers sports events to boost college pride. All accom is also based on campus, whereas Manchesters is a bit away from the city in Fallowfield. There were also rent strikes from Manchester students in Oak House last year due to the poor quality of their accom. 🙂

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