The Student Room Group

Self taught a level biology students only

This question is only aimed at self-taught a level biology students or any teachers or tutors that would give their advice to anyone in such a situation.

For those of you that have self-taught yourself a level Biology:
1- How did you go about tackling the a level biology questions thats are hard and more practical such as the Q1a from screenshot attached. How do you work out your answer to such questions that aren’t acquiring an answer about the content taught in Topic

2- How do you teach yourself a topic, how do you test yourself with the EQ. How do you go about with that, and then revising the topic. Especially when you notice knowledge gap. Especially for someone that a really bad Executive dysfunction.

3- How do you go about understanding content you cant grasp. Like i cant grasp the structure of amylose and amylopectin, especially about it being ‘coiled into a helix’ i just dont get it. (Perhaps its an autistic thing, i am on the spectrum) .

I cant afford a tutor, so that really wont be an appropriate answer for my situation.
I want to learn to teach myself things and subjects, give me all your tips and tricks. :smile:)

All help would me much appreciated. Please refrain from any discouraging comments and advice.
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 1
EAB3F734-CCD1-423E-8625-DB886CACE07E.png This is question 1a.
Reply 2
Hi, any help would be much appreciated
Reply 3
Hi (also autistic)
I remember this question from a couple of years ago can't remember the answers exactly
But it's something like

Gives more time for the enzymes to work

Increases the surface area that the enzymes have

And probably something about the beads being able to be reused multiple times

Original post by Jess_Lomas
Hi (also autistic)
I remember this question from a couple of years ago can't remember the answers exactly
But it's something like

Gives more time for the enzymes to work

Increases the surface area that the enzymes have

And probably something about the beads being able to be reused multiple times

Hi, I just did this question, the other day and this is correct! It’s on the topic of immobilized enzymes

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