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Taking an extra A-level during gap year…?

I’m currently in Y12 taking A-level chemistry, maths and psychology, and I only recently discovered that the many of the courses that I hope to apply to in the future seem to require A-level biology. I’ve already tried asking to be moved to a class, but because it is so late, catching up would be almost impossible, especially with three other a-levels.
My main question is, would it be possible for me to take a gap year, learn AND sit A-level biology privately, and have it count as an actual A-level rather than a resit? For context, I’m interested in applying to dentistry, so would doing an A-level in biology during a gap year count as one of my own A-levels, or would it not be considered?

Thanks if you can help :smile:
Hi @emcheblossom

I am not too sure what you mean when you say, 'and have it count as an actual A-level rather than a resit?'.

If you have a qualification, it 100% counts. Just because you didn't sit the exam at a sixth form when you were 18 doesn't make it any less valuable or useful.

Some mature students will have privately studied for an A Level and then are able to apply for certain courses at university. It is very common.

Just remember, Biology is a tough and very content-heavy A Level, so it will be tough to essentially self-teach it. However, if you're determined to study dentistry, hopefully this will help keep you motivated! Also I would encourage you to discuss this with your teachers or a careers advisor at school, if you have one🙂

Good luck!

BCU Student Rep.
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Original post by BCU Student Rep
Hi @emcheblossom

I am not too sure what you mean when you say, 'and have it count as an actual A-level rather than a resit?'.

If you have a qualification, it 100% counts. Just because you didn't sit the exam at a sixth form when you were 18 doesn't make it any less valuable or useful.

Some mature students will have privately studied for an A Level and then are able to apply for certain courses at university. It is very common.

Just remember, Biology is a tough and very content-heavy A Level, so it will be tough to essentially self-teach it. However, if you're determined to study dentistry, hopefully this will help keep you motivated! Also I would encourage you to discuss this with your teachers or a careers advisor at school, if you have one🙂

Good luck!

BCU Student Rep.
My sister was recently telling me that there was a student at our school last year that realised what they had wanted to do at uni almost aligned with their alevels, however they needed an alevel in maths to continue onwards. She (apparently) kept all three of her alevels from year 12, and at the start of year 13, started doing year 12 maths and then took a gap year and stayed at school an extra year to complete the alevel maths exam.
I was wondering if I should ask my head of year if I could do the same thing, and somehow convince them.
Also, about the careers advisor, I actually went on Monday! and she made it very clear that I would have to have VERY competitive predicted grades and an outstanding ucat score to be on par, so that’s why I’m considering this.
From what I’ve seen, a lot of unis want their required alevels to be sat within the same exam period as well, so that’s why I feel that this might not even help.

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