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UCL Psychology with Education

hi! i got an offer from UCL to studying Psych with Education, but i'm not sure if i’ll take it up. I'm interested in the education aspect, but i'd rather be something more like a clinical/educational psychologist in the future. would this course prepare me for that route, or am i better off choosing another university with a Bsc straight Psychology?
Original post by sonja2024385
hi! i got an offer from UCL to studying Psych with Education, but i'm not sure if i’ll take it up. I'm interested in the education aspect, but i'd rather be something more like a clinical/educational psychologist in the future. would this course prepare me for that route, or am i better off choosing another university with a Bsc straight Psychology?

This degree is BPS accredited, which means you can go on and pursue clinical psychology when you're done anyway, but I think this course is more angled towards those who want to become educational psychologists. A pure psychology degree might be better in that regard. If you decide you want a pure psychology degree, it might be worth reaching out to the admissions' department at UCL and asking them ASAP if you can switch to the BSc Psychology.

P.S.: whatever psychology degree you end up studying, make sure your third year dissertation is angled towards the clinical aspect of psychology, if that's what you want to do, and try to get as much experience as you can while at uni :smile:
Original post by sonja2024385
hi! i got an offer from UCL to studying Psych with Education, but i'm not sure if i’ll take it up. I'm interested in the education aspect, but i'd rather be something more like a clinical/educational psychologist in the future. would this course prepare me for that route, or am i better off choosing another university with a Bsc straight Psychology?
Congratulations! What are your stats and when did you apply if you don’t mind me asking ?
Reply 3
Hi sonja2024385,
I'm currently a year 3 student studying UCL psy with Edu. I think this course provide good contents on both education & psychology sides. I personally feel it prepares for your route for being a educational/clinical psychologist in the future. There're some module integrate education & psychology together and specifically discussed how psychology can do with children with special needs.
In the first year, the content is more education focused. The content in psychology modules are similar to Alevel Psychology & some part of Alevel Biology. In the second year you'll learn more psychology & brain science stuff, which touch on the clinical ground. I think you'll be intested in one of the compulsory module in third year, which is called Psychology and Neuroscience in Education. This module covers a lot in educational psychology & educational neuroscience.
As far as I know, there're some students continue their study in educational psychology & clinical psy after graduated from this degree. I think this degree may be a good choice :smile:
Reply 4
Original post by OnWire
Hi sonja2024385,
I'm currently a year 3 student studying UCL psy with Edu. I think this course provide good contents on both education & psychology sides. I personally feel it prepares for your route for being a educational/clinical psychologist in the future. There're some module integrate education & psychology together and specifically discussed how psychology can do with children with special needs.
In the first year, the content is more education focused. The content in psychology modules are similar to Alevel Psychology & some part of Alevel Biology. In the second year you'll learn more psychology & brain science stuff, which touch on the clinical ground. I think you'll be intested in one of the compulsory module in third year, which is called Psychology and Neuroscience in Education. This module covers a lot in educational psychology & educational neuroscience.
As far as I know, there're some students continue their study in educational psychology & clinical psy after graduated from this degree. I think this degree may be a good choice :smile:
hi, this is really helpful, thanks so much! if you don't mind me asking, do people from this course often go on to do their masters after graduation?
Reply 5
Original post by Taybahhusnain
Congratulations! What are your stats and when did you apply if you don’t mind me asking ?
hi! i'm an international applicant, so i applied with my SAT and AP scores
Reply 6
Original post by Scotland Yard
This degree is BPS accredited, which means you can go on and pursue clinical psychology when you're done anyway, but I think this course is more angled towards those who want to become educational psychologists. A pure psychology degree might be better in that regard. If you decide you want a pure psychology degree, it might be worth reaching out to the admissions' department at UCL and asking them ASAP if you can switch to the BSc Psychology.

P.S.: whatever psychology degree you end up studying, make sure your third year dissertation is angled towards the clinical aspect of psychology, if that's what you want to do, and try to get as much experience as you can while at uni :smile:
thanks so much for your input!!
Reply 7
Original post by sonja2024385
hi, this is really helpful, thanks so much! if you don't mind me asking, do people from this course often go on to do their masters after graduation?
Yes, a lot of people in my degree have applied masters. I'll say it's a bit weired if you don't because most of the student choose to pursue a master's degree after graduation.

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