The Student Room Group

clothes ?? Geo feild trip GCSE

hi guys,
just wondering what I need to wear on the GCSE geography feild trip?? my school is the worst at being informative so um not sure what I'm exactly going to need...

do I bring my school bag? or just a small bag that I own?
should I wear jeans? or do I wear something like legging?
what shoes are the best to wear?
I imagine it will depend on where you're going and on the weather that day. Probably a good idea to wear layers in case it gets warmer/colder and have some level of waterproofing in case it rains.

You will probably need to bring some things to make notes and stuff presumably, your teacher can probably advise more on that.
Reply 2
Original post by jelly-fishes
hi guys,
just wondering what I need to wear on the GCSE geography feild trip?? my school is the worst at being informative so um not sure what I'm exactly going to need...
do I bring my school bag? or just a small bag that I own?
should I wear jeans? or do I wear something like legging?
what shoes are the best to wear?
where is your geography field trip to? i had mine last week to walton-on-the-naze beach, and i brought my school bag but you can just bring any small bag since i only had my lunch and snacks inside.
i wore a knee length dress and flares but the flares weren't a good idea bcs it was really muddy and wet so the bottom of my jeans got quite muddy 😭😭 as for shoes, i wore trainers but i should've worn my dofe boots bcs again, its really muddy and wet, and quite slippery too, so try to wear shoes that have grip, i defo recommend walking boots if you have them (from dofe for example)
you can wear jeans if you want but as long as they're not really long, lots of my friends wore jogging bottoms and leggings, so wear whatever you feel is comfortable but not long
and it was quite cold when i went so defo wear a jacket and layer up, since i was outside for over 4 hours 😭
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 3
Original post by milktee
Original post by jelly-fishes
hi guys,
just wondering what I need to wear on the GCSE geography feild trip?? my school is the worst at being informative so um not sure what I'm exactly going to need...
do I bring my school bag? or just a small bag that I own?
should I wear jeans? or do I wear something like legging?
what shoes are the best to wear?
where is your geography field trip to? i had mine last week to walton-on-the-naze beach, and i brought my school bag but you can just bring any small bag since i only had my lunch and snacks inside.
i wore a knee length dress and flares but the flares weren't a good idea bcs it was really muddy and wet so the bottom of my jeans got quite muddy 😭😭 as for shoes, i wore trainers but i should've worn my dofe boots bcs again, its really muddy and wet, and quite slippery too, so try to wear shoes that have grip, i defo recommend walking boots if you have them (from dofe for example)
you can wear jeans if you want but as long as they're not really long, lots of my friends wore jogging bottoms and leggings, so wear whatever you feel is comfortable but not long
and it was quite cold when i went so defo wear a jacket and layer up, since i was outside for over 4 hours 😭

Oh no that sounds traumatic 😭 hopefully you didn't catch a cold~
I'm going to Bridlington which is more up north, so it might be freezing hahahaha.
I think I might wear leggings and a coat, a small bag and I might buy some shoes (since I don't have any hard covered shoes, just trainers) 🥲
Thank you very much 😆
Reply 4
Original post by jelly-fishes
Oh no that sounds traumatic 😭 hopefully you didn't catch a cold~
I'm going to Bridlington which is more up north, so it might be freezing hahahaha.
I think I might wear leggings and a coat, a small bag and I might buy some shoes (since I don't have any hard covered shoes, just trainers) 🥲
Thank you very much 😆
thank god i didn't get sick 😭
ooo bridlington is a really nice town, have funnn <3
yes defo layer up so you don't catch a cold, and i don't think you necessarily need to buy shoes for just the trip since trainers might be okay!! it's only bcs we were walking on some steep areas and it was quite slippery, but if you do want to buy them then ofc go ahead!!
you're welcomeee 🤍

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