The Student Room Group

Looking at a career change to Physiotherapy but my degree is unrelated

Hi there,

I graduated last year with first class honours in Drama. Due to there not being many opportunities within the industry I have been looking into changing careers. I am currently completing my level 3 in sports massage therapy and was wondering if that would be accepted on a Physiotherapy pre registration course or if it would be better to do an undergrad degree?
Original post by Cmoore7
Hi there,
I graduated last year with first class honours in Drama. Due to there not being many opportunities within the industry I have been looking into changing careers. I am currently completing my level 3 in sports massage therapy and was wondering if that would be accepted on a Physiotherapy pre registration course or if it would be better to do an undergrad degree?
It really depends on the entry requirements of the university offering the pre-reg course as they all differ. Some universities will ask for you to hold a degree in a relevant discipline, and some specify any degree but that you have a level 3 qualification in certain subjects (often science related). The majority will also ask that you have work experience in the relevant field too and can demonstrate you have a full understanding of the profession.
I would have a look at the different universities that offer the pre-reg to see what they are asking for and narrow your choices down to those that suit you :smile:
Original post by Cmoore7
Hi there,

I graduated last year with first class honours in Drama. Due to there not being many opportunities within the industry I have been looking into changing careers. I am currently completing my level 3 in sports massage therapy and was wondering if that would be accepted on a Physiotherapy pre registration course or if it would be better to do an undergrad degree?

Just to add to CCU's post, the NHS course finder is the best tool for searching for approved courses:

Also, have you also considered other AHP roles such as drama therapists and speech and language therapists?

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