The Student Room Group

Idk how to revise for my History A level Mocks

I’ve got my Year 12 Mocks in 4 weeks and I kind of get how to revise for my other subjects but i’m stuck on History revision I do History Aqa.

So if anyone has some tips that would be much appreciated.

Thank you😚😚
Reply 1
Using quizlet is a great way to remember names and important dates (they're online flashcards essentially) this helped me think fast in my mocks and allowed me to get all dates and names right.

Using the AQA mark schemes for recent years and past papers is a huge help in looking to see what the examiner is looking for!

Id also recommend a YouTube called History revision success, if you are confident in essay writing id still recommend so you can pick up tips and tricks!

I hope your mocks go well and you get the grades you are hoping for 🙂 Good luck!

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