The Student Room Group

Make it More Election-ey !!

so tomorrow we are voting for various things... let's get in the mood with some partisan punnage :h:

Never Mind the Ballots


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Reply 1
Reply 2
I might go postal (vote)
Morning tory
Grab your vote, you’ve pulled
Too Hartlepool for school
Reply 4
What's The Story, Socially Distancing Tories

In poll position

Starmer Chameleon

British Blair-ways

(House of) Commons People
Reply 5
Old MacDonald runs an election on his farm. He stood in front of his barn and said

all those not in favour of this new food say neigh
Reply 6
Original post by Pugglet
I might go postal (vote)

:woo: good one Pug :yay:

Reply 7
Original post by mnot
Morning tory
Grab your vote, you’ve pulled
Too Hartlepool for school

:woo: good work mnot :ahee:

the people of Scotland are lovin' it :party2:


Luchd-ceannach luach,
feuch nach tiormaich thu na sporran agad air
rèididheatoran an t-seòmair atharrachaidh.
Bidh Big Èibhlin a ’bhean-glanaidh gam mearachd
airson damhain-allaidh mòr agus tha cas èibhinn aice.
An àite sin dìreach thig a-steach don ionad-fàilte agus fàg
na sporrans agad le Siùsan mòra.
Tiormaichidh i iad dhut anns a ’phreasa shònraichte aice.

Ruairidhghasghall MacFhearghail

Leas-mhanaidsear cuideachaidh sporrans agus sin


Have You Ever Been (to Electoral Ladyland)?

The Returning Officer of the Jedi

The Ballot of John and Yoko
Reply 9
Original post by TJ1997
What's The Story, Socially Distancing Tories

In poll position

Starmer Chameleon

British Blair-ways

(House of) Commons People

:woo: very convincing punnage Sire !! :borat:

#3 made me chuckle the most :yep:

the people of Scotland are enjoying your work :h:


A dhaoine uaisle,
is dòcha gu bheil thu air do sgian-dubh a mhealladh?
lorg Ciorsigear mòr an ugh fear air cùl ionad fallaineachd
Alex Salmond tràth sa mhadainn.
Bha e ri taobh tam o'shanter boireannach.
Ma tha thu den bheachd gur dòcha gur ann leatsa
a tha an armachd seo dìreach thig a-steach don ionad-fàilte
agus facal a bhith agad le Mòrag mòr.
Tha i a ’coimhead às a dèidh anns a’ phreasa shònraichte aice,
còmhla ri diofar sporrans soggy, pìob-mhòr,
duiseal, zithers, adan, briogais, aodach bainnse agus sin.
Ma tha thu airson na sruthan fala a thoirt air falbh tha M le
inneal-glanaidh làidir agus spong.

Ruairidhghasghall MacFhearghail

Leas-mhanaidsear cuideachaidh biodagan agus sin


Reply 10
Original post by a_w_
Old MacDonald runs an election on his farm. He stood in front of his barn and said

all those not in favour of this new food say neigh

:woo: good one a_w :yay:

The Man Who Would Be West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

The Deputy Leader of the Gang

The Councillors from County Hell
Reply 12
Original post by Trinculo
Have You Ever Been (to Electoral Ladyland)?

The Returning Officer of the Jedi

The Ballot of John and Yoko

:woo: well played Trinc :congrats:

#1 did it for me :rofl:

the people of Scotland are also amused :yep:


Luchd-ceannach luachmhor,
is dòcha gu bheil thu air fathannan mu kelpie a chluinntinn
anns na seòmraichean atharrachaidh?
Na biodh eagal ort.
Ma thig thu tarsainn air an sprite uisgeach
seo dìreach gluais air ais gu socair gus an ruig thu cuirm.
innis dha Aingealag mòr thachair. Bheir i aire dha.
Is i an seachdamh nighean aig seachdamh nighean agus
tha i uidheamaichte gus creutairean trioblaideach
a thoirt a-mach às an togalach.

Uarraig Gilleasbuig Griogalach

Leas-mhanaidsear cuideachaidh stuthan os-nàdarrach agus sin


A movie about the Conservatives’ attempt to secure the Chinese vote:-

Soy Tory
The Count at Monte Christo
Reply 15
Original post by nulli tertius
The Man Who Would Be West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

The Deputy Leader of the Gang

The Councillors from County Hell

:woo: well met Sir Nulli !! :five:

the people of Scotland are impressed by your work :yep:


A dhaoine uaisle,
feuch nach cluich thu geamannan gòrach leis na
boireannaich fàilteachaidh fhad ‘s a tha iad a’ gabhail nap.
Tha a bhith a ’feuchainn ri pìosan de aran-cridhe
a phronnadh nam beul an chuid eas-urramach agus cunnartach.
Tha aileirdsidh cruithneachd air Big Èibhlin agus
dh ’fhaodadh e fàs gu math tinn nan ruigeadh pìos briosgaid an targaid aige.
Tha geall air toradh an t-sròin seo an aghaidh
laghan stàite agus ionadail.
Faigh beatha a tha thu a ’mùchadh botherers.

Uarraig Gilleasbuig Griogalach

Leas-mhanaidsear Taic Sàbhailteachd Luchd-obrach agus sin


Reply 16
Original post by nulli tertius
A movie about the Conservatives’ attempt to secure the Chinese vote:-

Soy Tory

:rofl: this is genius :woo:
Original post by nulli tertius
The Count at Monte Christo

very chucklesome :yep:

Reply 17
i am off now

see you tomorrow down the polling station :h:

In my area, someone called Savage Gunn is running for police and crime commissioner. Her name is a pun :lol: im not even joking thats a true fact.
Anyway, I can also think of some election related puns -

The North/South Polls

The Kissing Polling Booth

Lib Demi Lovato

It's A Jacinda
Fiddler in the Booth

Quick Reply
