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Improving grades from AS to A2

Hey guys, first post :smile:

I got my AS results the other day and got A's in English and History and C's in Maths and Physics which isn't too bad, but I had to drop English to carry on with the aim to apply for an Engineering degree at uni (I need ABB for my preferred choice). I'm wondering how hard it's going to be to improve my C grades to a B as one of the teachers at college mentioned that it's rare for people to improve grades from AS to A2 which got me a bit worried. Any advice?

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From what I have seen people *usually* get higher marks in their AS exams as they are easier but that is not always the case. I did better in A2 English than AS overall and did better in Psychology A2.. they are harder so maybe people do not always fully anticipate this.
I got a B for Law at AS and worked really hard at A2 and got an A so it can be done. Just dont sacrifice one subject to achieve it like I did (went down from a B to a C for Accounting). Work hard on all your subjects but especially hard on the one you want to improve and you should be fine :smile:
Reply 3
The more you want it, the more it'll show. I got ABC (C in English) in AS after a year of not really caring what I was going to do with my future. Then in the early stages of A2 I realised what I wanted to accomplish, I put my arse into gear, got my head down and improved my grades to ABB (a high B in english!). May not seem like much, but it was obviously enough to satisfy my firm choice so I'd say you have a very good chance. You seem very eager to do well, and that will drive you further than you may first have thought.
I got BCC at AS in Physics, Maths and Chemistry repectively.

I improved this to BAB in the same order as before. It can definitely be done with resits and a lot of hard work.

Good luck :smile:
Reply 5
went from ABBB to AAA
Reply 6
Thanks guys. I think I'm gonna retake a couple of modules in Maths as I reckon I might struggle with the A2 side of the course and just work bloody hard for the rest of the year. I'm not looking forward to it though!
Reply 7
I got a C in AS maths and got it up to a B at A2. It didn't just happen though i had to put a bit more effort in but its definately possible :smile:
Reply 8
hard work gets you a long way

I did biology chemistry and maths, bcc and AS, AAA at A2
Reply 9
My brother went from ABCDU to AAAAA.

If he can do it, you definitely can.
I went from ABBC at AS to AAAB at A2.
I didn't work much harder, I just started listening in class rather than taking notes (as I never read them). And I did past papers.
I went from ABBC at AS to AAAB at A2.
I didn't work much harder, I just started listening in class rather than taking notes (as I never read them). And I did past papers.

Agree with this, I don't usually take notes as I never read them and I have an auditory memory anyway, so if I listen hard I can recall the teacher's voice in the exam... :ninja:
My brother went from ABCDU to AAAAA.

If he can do it, you definitely can.

Wow, thats impressive :biggrin:
Agree with this, I don't usually take notes as I never read them and I have an auditory memory anyway, so if I listen hard I can recall the teacher's voice in the exam... :ninja:

Lol, that's what I call tape recorder memory!
I don't quite go that far, but I just seem to know things that I don't recall ever reading every now and then.
Lol, that's what I call tape recorder memory!
I don't quite go that far, but I just seem to know things that I don't recall ever reading every now and then.

Lol, nice! :woo:
Reply 15
i got BCDE in graphics, maths, biology and chemistry respectively as my AS results just this august 2009 but i really want to do dentistry do ya'll think i could pull the grades up to at least AABB??? I KNO i can work alot harder!
Reply 16
My brother went from ABCDU to AAAAA.

If he can do it, you definitely can.

hey dignity cud u pls tell me wot subjects did ur brother study and what year did he get these results?! also were his GCSE result similar?? itz really impressive.thanx
Reply 17
hey dignity cud u pls tell me wot subjects did ur brother study and what year did he get these results?! also were his GCSE result similar?? itz really impressive.thanx

Sure, he did maths, further maths, Spanish, history and physics. He studies economics at LSE (2nd year).

I can't remember what his GCSE results were.
Reply 18
Perfectly doable.
I got BBCC yesterday for AS (one mark from a B inone and 4marks from an A in another so very close to ABBC which is what I wanted) I really want to improve to this next year but I feel as though I can't work any harder :frown: Can I do it?

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