Last term quite a few people mentioned setting up a drinking society. There’s already one in college but it’s the stereotypical cliquey bunch of 12 lads who play rugby. Only 3 freshers were initiated this year and unlike the other ones I’ve one across, they don’t allow non-members to events.
Now whatever you think of drinking societies (I read the article too) I was looking for advice on how to start one up. I’ve got a list of lads who may be interested from the year below me and plan to invite any freshers that seem interested or up for formalling with us. I also know a few girls in them so can get a couple of formals to start us off with. I’m sure I can look through the couple of years pulling conquests to get a few groups of girls round to our college or get us round theirs. This will probably be the case for most lads.
However, I’m confused about the etiquette of invitations or even how a swap works. Is this it 1) Me or another member arranges a formal swap with a similar sized group of girls sorting out tickets and wine etc. 2) We turn up at their college bar or they turn up at ours. We have a drink 3) We go in and eat our dinner. 4) We go back to the bar. 5) We go to Cindies/ cocos or Queens ents depending on night. 6) We go to the other respective college one night in the same term.
Secondly, I’m a naturally confident person and I guess you need to be to do this sort of thing. Should I invite big characters who I don’t really know, or closer mates who may not be as outgoing.
Big Jay