The Student Room Group

setting up a drinking society

Last term quite a few people mentioned setting up a drinking society. There’s already one in college but it’s the stereotypical cliquey bunch of 12 lads who play rugby. Only 3 freshers were initiated this year and unlike the other ones I’ve one across, they don’t allow non-members to events.

Now whatever you think of drinking societies (I read the article too) I was looking for advice on how to start one up. I’ve got a list of lads who may be interested from the year below me and plan to invite any freshers that seem interested or up for formalling with us. I also know a few girls in them so can get a couple of formals to start us off with. I’m sure I can look through the couple of years pulling conquests to get a few groups of girls round to our college or get us round theirs. This will probably be the case for most lads.

However, I’m confused about the etiquette of invitations or even how a swap works. Is this it 1) Me or another member arranges a formal swap with a similar sized group of girls sorting out tickets and wine etc. 2) We turn up at their college bar or they turn up at ours. We have a drink 3) We go in and eat our dinner. 4) We go back to the bar. 5) We go to Cindies/ cocos or Queens ents depending on night. 6) We go to the other respective college one night in the same term.

Secondly, I’m a naturally confident person and I guess you need to be to do this sort of thing. Should I invite big characters who I don’t really know, or closer mates who may not be as outgoing.

Big Jay
Reply 1
I know it's unrelated, but is there a "Little Jay" to go with yourself? Or is your nickname a self imposed one?
Reply 2
Really, what is the point in drinking societies? Do you need to have a society in order to go out and have some drinks with some friends? Surely the majority of students are part of a "drinking society"

Reply 3
I know it's unrelated, but is there a "Little Jay" to go with yourself? Or is your nickname a self imposed one?

Most people called Jay are little compared to me. Unless of course you mean Jay Cutler.
Reply 4
Really, what is the point in drinking societies? Do you need to have a society in order to go out and have some drinks with some friends? Surely the majority of students are part of a "drinking society"


At Cambridge it seems a really easy way of getting to go to different formal and meeting lots of new people very qucikly.
Reply 5
what college are you at? just set up an email list with the guys in the year below you, agree on which freshers to take out in the first couple of weeks, and go formalling! easy as pie.
Reply 6
Get a group of guys
Find a female drinking soc
The people at the college where the formal is held buy the tickets, the visitors bring two bottles of wine each
Meet in the bar, perhaps have a drink
Have formal, get drunk
Head to Cindy's or Life for more drinking
Use every available contact from then on to arrange more drunk and disorderly evenings

You don't have to do return formals, in fact we've never done one as it works out pretty much fair in terms of price of formal/wine.

Really, what is the point in drinking societies? Do you need to have a society in order to go out and have some drinks with some friends? Surely the majority of students are part of a "drinking society"

No they're not. :eek: You will either understand, or you will be a keeno. The two are not particularly compatible.
Reply 7
No they're not. :eek: You will either understand, or you will be a keeno. The two are not particularly compatible.

I'm not in a drinking soc, but I'm not a keeno! To be fair, a)the boat club acts as one pretty well, and b)Clare's girls soc is a bit weird and elitist. Some of the male ones I've met are total penises, other ones are ok.
Reply 8
cool. so i was pretty much along the right lines. i always used to think they were **** but i pulled a girl who was in the downing lady orchids near the end of last term and i saw a differerent side to the whole thing.

Who here is in one? I was thinking of emailing jcrs to get the first few fixtures. at least then i've got a half written term card without having to do loads of organising b4 michaelmas starts.

again tho, should i make sure i only invite the most confident people i know. judging by the state of certain men's drinking societies i saw at the orchids garden party, i don't think looks are really a basis for invites, although some of the uglies did have the swagger of Orlando Pitt Beckham.
Reply 9
A lot of drinking socs are not affiliated to their JCRs. Most of the system is done on personal contacts gained by various formals etc.

Like I said, I'm not a member of ours and I dislike our male one, but other colleges seem to have more fun versions.
Reply 10
cambridgemuscle- look on facebook. most societies have their drinking socs in groups there, along with contact details :smile:
Last term quite a few people mentioned setting up a drinking society. There’s already one in college but it’s the stereotypical cliquey bunch of 12 lads who play rugby. Only 3 freshers were initiated this year and unlike the other ones I’ve one across, they don’t allow non-members to events.

Now whatever you think of drinking societies (I read the article too) I was looking for advice on how to start one up. I’ve got a list of lads who may be interested from the year below me and plan to invite any freshers that seem interested or up for formalling with us. I also know a few girls in them so can get a couple of formals to start us off with. I’m sure I can look through the couple of years pulling conquests to get a few groups of girls round to our college or get us round theirs. This will probably be the case for most lads.

However, I’m confused about the etiquette of invitations or even how a swap works. Is this it 1) Me or another member arranges a formal swap with a similar sized group of girls sorting out tickets and wine etc. 2) We turn up at their college bar or they turn up at ours. We have a drink 3) We go in and eat our dinner. 4) We go back to the bar. 5) We go to Cindies/ cocos or Queens ents depending on night. 6) We go to the other respective college one night in the same term.

Secondly, I’m a naturally confident person and I guess you need to be to do this sort of thing. Should I invite big characters who I don’t really know, or closer mates who may not be as outgoing.

Big Jay

Okay, heres how you go about it. Now its quite normal for freshers especially to set up their own drinking soc in first term as it takes yonks before they allg et into established ones. The best way to do this is literally get all your male buddies (or female if you are a girl. Mixed sex drining socs NEVER work).
most people in drinking socs enjoy clubbing. simple fact guys, sorry if you disagree.. so if you havea bunch of friends who you go clubbing with, start with them. you want to start with about ten people for your drining soc. The first few outings all of your can go, then start inviting more and more people along. eventually your drinking soc will get bigger - but never have much mroe than 8-12 guys in one outing - it gets harder to get lots of people together due to commitments, and also bunchs of girls typically don't like a massive rowdy bunch of guys.

The best way to sort out formals is literally to ask (and within your drining soc get other people to ask) any gals they pull in clubs, chat to in lectures etc. that is by far and away the best method. facebook seems quite popular these days so could also be tried, but it wa never about back in my day so i don't know.

Typical ettiquette:-

-THe drinking soc who are hosting the formal buy tickets for yourself and a guest. THe visiting drining soc brings 2 bottles of wine at least. bring half decent win, not lambrini or £2 a bottle muck. After all formal tickets usually cost over £6.

-You meet up in the college bar half an hour before the formal, so you can get chatting to diff people, introduce yourselves etc

-Then go up to formal. Whats a good idea is if you are hosting it get someone to reserve an area out, and put labelled place settings (little card with your names on alternated with ones with the name of the opposing driuning soc) that way it is sorted so its alternated boy girl, and you can decide before hand how to seat the guys so each has their apporiate wingmen/mates, and the peopel with really smelly chat are sectioned off somewhat. (we had these two guys called Chan and Chettz with such appaling banter we called the area around them teh chan chettz chat desert, or CCCD for short)

-And yes, then go to cindies, life...wherever. It always impresses if you make sure to get queue jumping for the group if possible.

(Former member of Kelly's heroes, and the Eagles. [since gone downhill massively!!! :frown:)
Reply 12
cheers jamie. looks like there is some work to put in. gonna send some emails tonight and invite say a few freshers along that i see out in freshers week.
Sorry to be entirely ignorant, but whats a keeno? Is it some piece of cambridge jargon which I havent yet met or is it purely TSR based?
Reply 14
Sorry to be entirely ignorant, but whats a keeno? Is it some piece of cambridge jargon which I havent yet met or is it purely TSR based?

Someone who is overly keen.


too true...there is another chat desert...I wonder if you can work out which two 2nd years it is...

I should have said "you can either be in a drinking soc, a keeno, or a boatie"! :biggrin:

dave and chettz, great pair, but all they could ever do was fire stream upon stream of anecdotes about their 'crazy' antics to a bunch of girls who really couldn't care less.

If by 2nd years you mean your year i wouldn't have a clue. don't know any guys in your year. If by 2nd years you mean Torias' year then i'm betting mr horsely and mr sharapov must feature highly. they don't have smelly banter so much as no banter... :confused:
drinking socs rule. all the commaradarie of being ina sports team....without having to do any work :biggrin: