The Student Room Group
Reply 1
My boyfriend does - he loves it in fact.
Reply 2
not all guys dislike it...
Reply 3
the ones i've been with love it..
Reply 4
some do.. some just prefer you to do it to them, because they are selfish.

they are probably put off by a lot of things though.. not that i'm saying there is anything wrong with you :smile:... lol (hug)
how come guys don't like performing oral sex?
its all a matter of personal taste (no pun intended)

my ex loved it, new bf doesn't.

not all girls liek giving oral sex so yeah. just get them are much more persuadable then :biggrin:
Reply 6
how come guys don't like performing oral sex?

Says who?
The smell could be an issue. I'm up for oral, but its a 2-way thing.
I love giving it!
Reply 9
Like has already been said, your initial statement isn't true; some do. Same as anything, it just depends on the person.
some like it, some don't
some girls like it, some don't

for me the only relevant issue is that if you're with someone who doesn't like giving it, you shouldn't place a requirement on them to do it
however if you enjoy giving it and are with someone who doesn't like giving it, I don't see any reason to go "on strike" to force them to do it - seems a bit childish!
Reply 11
I'm not a fan. horrible taste in the morning. Also, the idea of actually swallowing a girls piss makes me slightly uneasy.
Who said they dont like it?
think some guys do some guys dont.. just depends... not all girls like performing it do they? its just a matter of what people like.
I'm not a fan. horrible taste in the morning. Also, the idea of actually swallowing a girls piss makes me slightly uneasy.

eeeeeew u dont swallow girls piss... there is no piss involved in oral sex.... dunno what uve been up to :s-smilie: :puke:

also brush ur teeth b4 u go to bed:P stops the taste in the morn hun
Reply 15
sometimes it's like give and take ... that's my way....if you don't give me one, you aint getting anything from me.. :biggrin: :biggrin:
I'm not a fan. horrible taste in the morning. Also, the idea of actually swallowing a girls piss makes me slightly uneasy.

Dear god, I think we can safely say that girls have to swallow a lot more in the way of bodily fluids than you do! I bet you like it when you get a blow job though.
Reply 17
for me its the best part!
I love it.
how come guys don't like performing oral sex?
I enjoy giving it. It's a huge turn-on. Takes a little while to get used to the aroma, but that definitely grows on you.

One of my ex's didn't like getting it. Didn't even give it a chance. Dunno what that's all about.

I agree with beni though, give and take. Usually nice to get something in return.. :smile: