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Not shaving down there stopping me getting a boyfriend?

I trim slightly down there and do my bikini line but I much prefer leaving it natural down there as I feel more like a woman. The problem is I can't seem to get a boyfriend or even a friends with benefits, I have sent nudes to guys but they say they are put off because they prefer girls completely shaven? What's your opinion on this? Is me preferring it natural down there the problem and stopping me getting a partner?

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Original post by Anonymous
I trim slightly down there and do my bikini line but I much prefer leaving it natural down there as I feel more like a woman. The problem is I can't seem to get a boyfriend or even a friends with benefits, I have sent nudes to guys but they say they are put off because they prefer girls completely shaven? What's your opinion on this? Is me preferring it natural down there the problem and stopping me getting a partner?

Unless you're walking around flaunting your pubic hair, my guess is that there is something else stopping you from getting a partner. If you can talk to someone and when you send a pic of your hairy vag and they stop talking then, then that's a personal choice on their part. Every person has different preferences. Porn means most guys prefer a clean shaven, but it's also your body so your choice.
You are sending nudes to guys you barely know?

Maybe get to know a guy before discussing intimate hairstyles.
i shaved and things but i don't do it because it makes it itchy so waxing is better for me but only in the summer when i am wearing shorts or bikinis and it lasts a week for me or so but it can last up to 3 weeks. now atm for the winter i leave it and my legs bc it's not being revealed but honestly if u dont wanna shave please don't. the right guy will respect you okay. if they don't like it that's their preference and they aren't the ones for you. find a guy who respects you and your choices.
Original post by Anonymous
I trim slightly down there and do my bikini line but I much prefer leaving it natural down there as I feel more like a woman. The problem is I can't seem to get a boyfriend or even a friends with benefits, I have sent nudes to guys but they say they are put off because they prefer girls completely shaven? What's your opinion on this? Is me preferring it natural down there the problem and stopping me getting a partner?

i think you dont have a partner yet because you send photos of your stuff to guys online before getting to know them first. As a girl, i like the look of it clean and shaven but everyone has different preference so every guy is not gonna be the same.
Reply 5
What the heck, this is something you reveal after you have a bf. At which point it’s take it or leave it
Putting off silly little boys who prefer their women to look like children isn’t a bad thing
Reply 7
You'll find someone who doesn't care that you're hairy eventually.
Reply 8
Please, stop sending folks your pics. That's the first step. You never know what they could do with it. If you get to know a guy properly, there is a much higher chance he'd rather become Tarzan than leave you because of body hair. Since he is looking for a lover not a bed warmer, he's more likely to find all of you beautiful.

I don't shave either. Just a trim and shape because I look very childish when I shave, and I hate it. It doesn't make me feel pretty. Some hair makes me feel like a woman so I understand what you mean. Never feel bad about that. It's your body and you can beautify it as you deem fit. You will meet a guy who shares a similar preference. Just be patient. 🫂
Different guys often have very different attraction dealbreakers, beauty standards and relationship preferences.

Going by what I've seen & heard from friends that are dating trying to find a medium to long term partner, the types of guys looking for casual sex on hookup apps & in the habit of asking random girls on dating sites to send them nudes pics are often the same types that have dealbreakers connected with their favourite types of porn.
Those types tend to best suited to paying for extra onlyfans services or giving their custom to escorts that sell intimate sexual services.
Best avoided for casual sex or relationships that include an expectation of commitment or trust.
How old are you if you dont mind me asking? Do you want a friends with benefits maybe you need something more meaningful? Surely you want someone who likes you for you and respects you also maybe you already know the answer you are just looking for reassurance. Maybe someone who rejects you on something so superficial is not worth being with?
Sending nudes isn't good, but I doubt that not shaving down there is the issue for anything but the most shallow men. I don't mind it at all, but even if I did there would be loads of other potential factors that could stop me from wanting to go on a date with you. Personality, looks, etcetera.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous
You are sending nudes to guys you barely know?

Maybe get to know a guy before discussing intimate hairstyles.

Intimate hairstyles loooool
Nothing wrong with hairy vaginas, in my opinion they’re hotter than shaved ones. And shaving must get very itchy and all the ingrown hairs and whatnot…
I don't shave down there and I have a long term boyfriend, don't think you not shaving is the problem
Reply 15
Don't send guys you don't know pics. Why would you do this???
Original post by Anonymous
I trim slightly down there and do my bikini line but I much prefer leaving it natural down there as I feel more like a woman. The problem is I can't seem to get a boyfriend or even a friends with benefits, I have sent nudes to guys but they say they are put off because they prefer girls completely shaven? What's your opinion on this? Is me preferring it natural down there the problem and stopping me getting a partner?

i'm no expect on finding relationships but i dont think sending your nudes to guys is a good way to go. thats the main problem here
Original post by Anonymous
I trim slightly down there and do my bikini line but I much prefer leaving it natural down there as I feel more like a woman. The problem is I can't seem to get a boyfriend or even a friends with benefits, I have sent nudes to guys but they say they are put off because they prefer girls completely shaven? What's your opinion on this? Is me preferring it natural down there the problem and stopping me getting a partner?

Old ass thread, preferring it natural is perfectly fine. Just like some guys like it clean shaven some guys prefer it natural and I would assume the majority of guys just dont care
Original post by Anonymous
I trim slightly down there and do my bikini line but I much prefer leaving it natural down there as I feel more like a woman. The problem is I can't seem to get a boyfriend or even a friends with benefits, I have sent nudes to guys but they say they are put off because they prefer girls completely shaven? What's your opinion on this? Is me preferring it natural down there the problem and stopping me getting a partner?

it seems that the consensus among men is that they prefer when women are shaved, but this isn't always the case. everyone has their preferences and there's nothing wrong with that, whether men prefer women who shave or you personally choose not to, both are very valid.

there are plenty of men who are unbothered by pubic hair or women who choose to keep it natural rather than shaving. most men that are just looking for casual hookups or a friends-with-benefits type situation generally seem to prefer women who do shave. whereas men who look for long-term partners don't seem to care.

i choose to shave because it's more of a comfort thing for me and i feel better when i have shaved, but regardless of whether or not i shave, my boyfriend does not care and makes it abundantly clear he doesn't.

preferring to keep your pubic hair all natural and grown out is not a problem, and isn't necessarily stopping you from getting a partner. someone will eventually come around that doesn't care or even likes that you don't shave as there are men who are into that. just be patient.

one last bit of advice, if you do send nudes to guys, i wouldn't really rush it all that much. for your own safety and also just so maybe (if you're looking for a boyfriend or something long-term) you can get to know them better, and ask about what sort of things they find attractive/what they're into, as that only comes with time, not everyone is comfortable with having that conversation upfront, although those people do certainly exist.
I shave, I just can't stand having pubic hair down there

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