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Will my girlfriend care I have phimosis?

For anyone who does not know, phimosis is when your foreskin is tight and will not fully retract. Mine is probably a milder condition, as it does not 'squeeze' or do any other weird stuff.

I went to do the GP yesterday about it, and I'm being referred this September to a specialist.

I've recently got together with a girl I like, when it eventually comes to it do you think she will care? Of course, I will explain it's getting sorted out but how do I tell her?
Reply 1
No because it shouldn't last forever. It should go away after your operation
Reply 2
Original post by Agent Smirnoff
No because it shouldn't last forever. It should go away after your operation

Operation is a last resort these days. Hopefully steroid creams will sort the problem out. The idea of going under the knife is not something I find invigorating.
Reply 3
Original post by Agent Smirnoff
No because it shouldn't last forever. It should go away after your operation

But thanks for the message, I just thought really, if it really matters that much she obviously isn't worth keeping. :biggrin:
Original post by Anonymous
For anyone who does not know, phimosis is when your foreskin is tight and will not fully retract. Mine is probably a milder condition, as it does not 'squeeze' or do any other weird stuff.

I went to do the GP yesterday about it, and I'm being referred this September to a specialist.

I've recently got together with a girl I like, when it eventually comes to it do you think she will care? Of course, I will explain it's getting sorted out but how do I tell her?

September... What?
Firstly, my girlfriend didn't care... But then again, I could retract my foreskin all the way back to clean it :wink:. So make sure you can clean your penis so she doesn't get a mouthful of smeg when she gives you a BJ.
Secondly, do you happen to also have a short frenulum? I had a really mild condition of phimosis. I literally couldn't pull it back at all, but after months of stretching it helped a bit. And now I'm sexually active (sex REALLY helps) I can pull my foreskin back, although I've found I do have a short frenulum so I have an operation for that soon :wink:.
Sex with mild phimosis isn't bad as everyone makes it out to be. The only time it's 'uncomfortable' is when you first insert your penis into her vagina, but if you're wearing a condom it shouldn't be painful at all. Just slide it over your foreskin. You can have regular sex.

As for how you tell her... I started with "You know we can talk to each other about anything right?..."
Also, I suggest you tell her before she decides to give you a handjob because girls seem to think a rigorous handjob satisfies all men. Seriously. It WILL HURT if you have phimosis. She just tugs and tugs, and yes it hurts like a bitch. If you're both inexperienced you can teach her what hurts and what doesn't hurt etc.

But it's good you're getting it sorted. Make sure she understands your condition though. And if she really cares about you, she don't care that much about your penis. Afterall... At the end of the day it doesn't affect your sex life. (unless you have bad phimosis and sex for you is painful. Shouldn't make a difference from her perspective)
Can I ask how old you are, I’m 17, turning 18 soon and I think I have it
im also 17 and have it bad (im pretty sure at least, havent checked it out with a doctor yet). have you told your parents or a doctor about not being able to pull your foreskin back? bc i havent yet im too embarrassed
Reply 7
Im 15 and i think i have mid phimosis,i can pull back hard and soft but when hard jt strains on my shaft so i cannot "finish" or pee while erect,i started stretching a few days ago and hope it gets better, anybody think it will gi away and how do i get my mum to buy steroid cream without her asking all the whys and making me see a doctor because its quite embarrassing
Reply 8
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t try steroid cream, but please bear in mind that this often doesn’t work, and can take a long time when it does work. The only guaranteed way to cure (and prevent) phimosis is a full circumcision, and I would always recommend that.
had a similar issue, mild phimosis and short frenulum

got circumcised tightly about 6months ago and would defo recomend it, recovery is difficult but worth it in the long run. no point having painful sex

girls i get with seem to prefer cut also. good luck

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