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Reply 1
I am one of the oddest sleepers ever! I go to bed at around 2am, and wake up the next day at 2pm!

Basically, I want to get myself into an 11pm-7am sleep routine. However, going to bed at 11pm doesn't work, as I wont get to sleep for another few hours afterwards.

Any ideas on how I can get myself to sleep normally?

stay up late (4), perhaps drink too, wake up early (7). next day, go to bed at 11. wake up at 7. repeat.
Reply 2
I am one of the oddest sleepers ever! I go to bed at around 2am, and wake up the next day at 2pm!

Basically, I want to get myself into an 11pm-7am sleep routine. However, going to bed at 11pm doesn't work, as I wont get to sleep for another few hours afterwards.

Any ideas on how I can get myself to sleep normally?

I'm the same. As the person above said make yourself do it because you're tired or stay over with someone who goes to bed at like 10 and gets up and 7/8 and you'll have to sleep so you don't disturb them and so you'll get used to it... :smile:
Reply 3
I have exactly the same problem as you. Yesterday I went to bed at 2 and couldn't sleep so I got up and then didn't go back till 4am. Got up today at 12.30 which wasn't too bad. I think I'm just going to tell myself to go to bed at 12.30 and get up at 10am. That way it's a suitable sleep pattern and if I can't sleep I'll listen to music or something.
Reply 4
Working shifts i know how to sort my sleeping out.

If you want to get to sleep at 10pm then go to bed at that time even if your not tired, no tv, no lights or anything. Get up at 7am (or whatever time you want in your routine) no matter what time you go to bed and however hard it is to get up. Keep doing this because your body will eventually sort its sleeping pattern / clock out.
Reply 5
1) no drinking alcohol
2) no coffee or fizzy drinks.
3) even if you don't sleep,just go to bed at 10.30pm so as to let your body know you're serious. do this after a while,your body and brain,will get the message
4) no exercising before bed.
5) no hot bath/shower..or cold ones either...if you have to shower,do it an hour before.
6) no lights on/tv/or anything that could keep you awake. shut your eyes. let your mind wander,but not too much.
7) drinking milk according to some people or eating cheese helps lol but i seriously doubt that lol
8) drinking herbal teas like chamomile tea etc is supposed to help you feel relaxed enough to sleep.
9) you could try burning scented candles...just remember to put them out before you doze off!
10) set your alarm to wake you at a specific time,so that even if you don't want to get up you'll have. by the end of the day you'll be exhausted and go to bed early.

i'm not a morning person,i'm a night person. sometimes i can do 48 hours without sleep but i try not to. the lastest i've been to bed lately is 4am..and then my body thinks it's ok to do that and then my sleeping pattern gets wrecked...once i would go to bed at 12/2am,get up 4am and be so active..i'd have to force myself to sleep..i'd get up at 6am and still be active but when i woke up at 7.30am when i needed to,i'd be like i hadn't slept for days,so i try not to wreck my sleep pattern...moral of the story is,try not to wreck your sleep.
Reply 6
aha, i just did a guide on sleep cos i thought it might be useful. it's further down now in the H&R forum. tips on how to sleep.

well, i hope it's useful anyway :confused:.
Reply 7
I am one of the oddest sleepers ever! I go to bed at around 2am, and wake up the next day at 2pm!

Basically, I want to get myself into an 11pm-7am sleep routine. However, going to bed at 11pm doesn't work, as I wont get to sleep for another few hours afterwards.

Any ideas on how I can get myself to sleep normally?

Lol, thats not too bad. I'm on a 4 - 16 sleeping cycle, and that is while I'm at home and my parents demand I have gone to bed before they wake up. Back at uni it usually tends to be based on a 6 day week instead :p:
Reply 8
Last night I got all excited about uni and couldn't sleep so went to meet a friend at 5am and ended up at some random punk woman's house smoking, um, special cigarettes.

My sleep pattern's been really odd lately. Are you going to uni next month? Maybe it's cos you are excited or something.
I am one of the oddest sleepers ever! I go to bed at around 2am, and wake up the next day at 2pm!

Basically, I want to get myself into an 11pm-7am sleep routine. However, going to bed at 11pm doesn't work, as I wont get to sleep for another few hours afterwards.

Any ideas on how I can get myself to sleep normally?

What? I would kill for a sleep pattern like that. I got up at 7:15pm today.

Anyway, god knows.
What? I would kill for a sleep pattern like that. I got up at 7:15pm today.

Anyway, god knows.

I would kill for a sleep pattern like that, I got to get up for crappy work at 7am. Who the feck wants to make tape measures for a living? Not me, I assure you.
I hate my sleeping pattern, if I go to bed at 11pm then I usually won't sleep. I usually go to bed at 1am, and go to sleep about 2. I have been told to set my alarm each morning for a specific time, and whatever that time is, wake up each day at that time. So no matter when you go to sleep, you will wake up early and then when it comes to 11pm you will be tired.

Haven't tried it yet, so don't know if it works.
Reply 12
I got a little freaked out when I read somwhere that insomnia can kill :eek:
I got a little freaked out when I read somwhere that insomnia can kill :eek:

I doubt there is any truth in that, or at least I hope there is no truth in that!
Im on about 2am-12 at the moment. I tried fighting it but eventually just gave in. I dont have a job and mornings are usually quite boring anyway.

If i have to get to sleep (like because of exams or something) i just resort to drugs tbh :biggrin: a careful balance of sleeping pills, alcohol and nicotine does the trick.

Exercise and diet are the main (physical) reasons for insomnia by the way. Maybe try having a look at them if its serious OP
Reply 15

Mine is a bit funny as well, no matter what time i sleep, i alwayz wake up at 8am. However I think it has sumfin to do with mi mom alwayz coming to my room to sit on mi bed at 8 every morning.... The thing is, even when im not home, i wake up, check the time and its 8am!!
Reply 16
Twisted Reality
I doubt there is any truth in that, or at least I hope there is no truth in that!

meh, believe what you like. i read an article sometime that said someone had died from insomnia. i don't mean to raise alarm bells. this was a very severe case, i.e. not sleeping for weeks. so i wouldn't get too worried :smile:
meh, believe what you like. i read an article sometime that said someone had died from insomnia. i don't mean to raise alarm bells. this was a very severe case, i.e. not sleeping for weeks. so i wouldn't get too worried :smile:

I wouldn't even begin to imagine what the person would be like after not sleeping for weeks, if I miss just one nights sleep I am very snappy and look dreadful! :biggrin:
i alwayz wake up at 8am. However I think it has sumfin to do with mi mom alwayz coming to my room to sit on mi bed at 8 every morning....

Argh - aren't they annoying for that?! My mum takes personal offense when I have a lie in and stomps about banging and crashing (this does nothing for me. I am a heavy sleeper once I finally get off) before eventually coming into my room to make me get up (usually no later than 10:30). It's so annoying. Roll on uni!
what my mum does when i tell her to wake me up is:

she comes into my room opens the window wide open (so its really cold) and brings me a cup of tea. So im left in a warm bed with tea, in a cold room. I just go straight back to sleep.

My dad just puts shoes on my head and stuff (he thinks its really funny, bless him :biggrin:)