The Student Room Group

Aldi application

OK, so a new Aldi's opening near me, so gonna give it ago applying as a store assistant- just got a few questions.

Was expecting to have to fill an application form in, but instead gotta give a CV/ covering letter, and first time I've done so, so any tips?I'm approcing it differently that if it was for a F/T job. How do I go about it? Basically they want to know if i can stock shelves i guess lol, so i guess there not much interest in details of degree etc, although will put in details about group work etc. Gonna focus on my retail experience.
Also, how apparent do i make it that I'm not there long term (working whilst gaining teaching experience) or should I keep this quiet?
Any advice appreciated :-)
to the poster
i work for this company as an assistant manager. you will never have worked so hard in all your life.....and probably never will again. it is a very simple relationship between excellent pay and the toughness of the job. literally noone would work there for average pay.
if you are applying as a part time store assistant then its very likely you can expect to spend 90 percent of your time sat on a till. dont under estimate how tiring and stressful this can be. Shifts can be very long(12 or 13 hours) part timers tend to work slighter shorter ones, though not exclusively. due to the generally high levels of pressure dont expect a people friendly/orientated approach despite all the talk at interview.
put simply you need to do your job to a high standard- no excuses.

sorry if this sounds grim but its the truth.
its the old adage....'you dont get something for nothing!'
Reply 2
to the poster
i work for this company as an assistant manager. you will never have worked so hard in all your life.....and probably never will again. it is a very simple relationship between excellent pay and the toughness of the job. literally noone would work there for average pay.
if you are applying as a part time store assistant then its very likely you can expect to spend 90 percent of your time sat on a till. dont under estimate how tiring and stressful this can be. Shifts can be very long(12 or 13 hours) part timers tend to work slighter shorter ones, though not exclusively. due to the generally high levels of pressure dont expect a people friendly/orientated approach despite all the talk at interview.
put simply you need to do your job to a high standard- no excuses.

sorry if this sounds grim but its the truth.
its the old adage....'you dont get something for nothing!'

excellent pay? like instead of 5.60/hr its 6.60? ha ha
you said "you dont get sth for nothing" so u think that ppl are after easy money? or that that they have to work their ass off to get to get 2 pounds te minimum wage?
"simply you need to do your job to a high standard- no excuses."
i simply dont believe any normal human being can do it more few months keeping the high standards day in day out , full time, unless u have no choice nor qualifications to do sth else.
that made very little sense. when you've grasped the ability to write in english a little better. come back and tell me what you meant. most of the team i work withare on between £7.40 and £8.80 per hour. so yes its very good pay.
Reply 4
that made very little sense. when you've grasped the ability to write in english a little better. come back and tell me what you meant. most of the team i work withare on between £7.40 and £8.80 per hour. so yes its very good pay.

yea very good pay , maybe yes for somebody who is not qualified to do anything else.

not very good pay when you have to be exploited when u cant drink or go to toilet unless its ur break which is hardly enough to rush back and forth to the toilet.

not very good pay when you have to deal with extra rude customers who think that you are their slave and that you have every single answer to their questions. infact nothing is good pay when you deal with rude ppl.

not very good pay for the long shifts you do and i quote u :"dont under estimate how tiring and stressful this can be. Shifts can be very long(12 or 13 hours) part timers tend to work slighter shorter ones, though not exclusively"

"put simply you need to do your job to a high standard- no excuses"
u must be super human.
anyway you are a typical assistant manager. your posts says it all. very defensive!
you make it sound like its the dream job and that its so nice and rewarding only for the ppl who want to take it seriously , you sound as if other jobs are not demanding.

and dont make fun of my english when u know very well that nobody here dont mind their language cos we're not in an english class . and when u can speak and write fluently in 4 different languages like me come and see me.

im so glad u r not my boss. god help the ppl u work with.
I worked on checkouts and it was quite chilled. That was at Asda though. And NO-ONE worked shifts longer than 9 hours unless they wanted to! If that is Aldi's norm then it is a proper joke and slave labour!
granted i shouldnt be makin fun of your english. so i apologise for that. the reason i sound so defensive is because your initial email is somewhat aggressively worded!
really i wasnt trying to highlight any spelling mistakes. i was more confused by which angle you were coming from exactly.
and your last mail confuses me further. do you work for the company? what you've written seems to imply thats the case?
and you've got me totally wrong because im not trying to make it sound like a dream job.... quite the opposite! i left the message for the poster to let him know how tough it can be. and frankly im not in love with the job myself either. so for you to say im making out its a dream job, well i dont know where you 've got that from?
anyway we are getting off the point here so i'll say goodbye
Reply 7
Can someone please give a recommendation for me to work full time at ASDA, TESCO,LIDL OR ALDI please i really need some help in Birmingham. I've been working in fast food for more than 7 years now but never been accepted a better job at these positions. Thank you and may God help you as well for helping me.
Hi,i applied online the other week in a lenthy online test,for a grocery assistant job in their new stafford store opening in November this year. I went to the group interview today. 6 of us there,i was told by their area manager that many people didn't turn. We did a quick 5 minute timed multiple choice mathematical questionnaire, then debated a senario about a fictional accident in a store. I was nervous about nothing really as I quite enjoyed it,i just hope that I get called back for a one to one interview
As a former employee of Aldi let me give you the facts right on the table:

1. They do not believe employment law applies to them, legally workers have the right to 11 hours rest between working days, you'll be lucky if you get 6-7 with Aldi. They'll want you finishing stock replenishment by 11:30pm to midnight and back in at 6-7am in the morning.

2. If you're £1 under on your till count, you will be put under investigation, usually by the request of the area manager who comes in once a week looking for 'under the standard' evidence of the store staff because their own managers pressure them to do so.

3. You WILL be called in on your days off, and if you refuse, expect a major backlash of cold shouldered and passive aggressive attitudes from your colleagues, especially your managers.

4. The 'time limits' they put on floor staff to complete pallets are physically impossible, especially if it's a very busy floor and you're expected to occupy tills as well, they have a strict policy against queues, so if you're number 2,3, 4 etc on the till, expect to be called down every 5 minutes and then reprimanded for your pallet not being finished.

5. This also applies to Lidl, I have worked for both. I spent three years in Aldi and two years in Lidl. My advice from my experience of both companies is you will simply be putting your life aside for a little bit more pay. It is NOT worth it. Go with other chains like Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys, anything but Aldi or Lidl. You're not in the public health sector, you're not running around saving people's lives... the unnecessary stress of their policies and procedures are just NOT worth it.
(edited 7 years ago)
Reply 10
Has anyone got the maths sheet they use in the interview. I went for an interview last year and as I am terrible at maths I know I failed it and didn’t get the job So yes!!!! I want to cheat 👌🏽