As a former employee of Aldi let me give you the facts right on the table:
1. They do not believe employment law applies to them, legally workers have the right to 11 hours rest between working days, you'll be lucky if you get 6-7 with Aldi. They'll want you finishing stock replenishment by 11:30pm to midnight and back in at 6-7am in the morning.
2. If you're £1 under on your till count, you will be put under investigation, usually by the request of the area manager who comes in once a week looking for 'under the standard' evidence of the store staff because their own managers pressure them to do so.
3. You WILL be called in on your days off, and if you refuse, expect a major backlash of cold shouldered and passive aggressive attitudes from your colleagues, especially your managers.
4. The 'time limits' they put on floor staff to complete pallets are physically impossible, especially if it's a very busy floor and you're expected to occupy tills as well, they have a strict policy against queues, so if you're number 2,3, 4 etc on the till, expect to be called down every 5 minutes and then reprimanded for your pallet not being finished.
5. This also applies to Lidl, I have worked for both. I spent three years in Aldi and two years in Lidl. My advice from my experience of both companies is you will simply be putting your life aside for a little bit more pay. It is NOT worth it. Go with other chains like Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys, anything but Aldi or Lidl. You're not in the public health sector, you're not running around saving people's lives... the unnecessary stress of their policies and procedures are just NOT worth it.