Hi guys,
I have completed my tests on 19th October 2018, and have received an email stating I was successful in my attempt. My application will be reviewed now which might take up to 4 weeks, and will be notified via email of the outcome, which I guess is about the Assessment Centre dates.
My feedback report stated I was particularly well suited for the position as I did very well in the SJT, Numerical and Logical reasoning. The Logical reasoning was the fun part where you have to solve a puzzle in order to move on to the next level within 6 minutes of time duration. I reached upto Level 19 in Logical reasoning, answered 17 questions out of the 18 in Numerical(majority were highly accurate as per the report), and also did well in the SJT. Hopefully I should make it to the assessment centre. Please feel free if you have any other questions which might improve your test-taking experiences.