Heyy! I went through the same thing, when I turned 18 a few months ago I was so pissed and sad about it that I didnt even celebrate it, I just didn’t want to acknowledge it, but I totally regret that 😂 and then later while taking my final exams and just before graduation I was completely depressed because I knew that things would change soon, I’d have to live on my own, pay the bills, feed myself, get things done, I wouldn’t be able to be careless anymore. I cried all the time and I was so scared and people just dismissed me saying that I was overreacting. But then I realised that I was turning into exactly who I didn’t want to be, someone who overthinks and is sad about everything and so I tried to be more excited about leaving, after all I was going to study what I like in another country which is such a great opportunity! I still feel funny sometimes, but I just try not to give up on some things and not let people change me into a suspicious unkind sad adult, so I keep watching disney movies, and all the cartoons that I watched as a kid, I try to be kind to everyone, and I just try not to let responsibility and money stop me from doing the little things that I always did. So don’t waste your time worrying, you really want to enjoy these years and remember that overthinking is an adult’s thing, just take things as they come, work hard, do your best, enjoy your teen years, and don’t let anyone or anything make you let down your dreams and beliefs 😉