Ok, i am not trying to create an inflammatory response here.
Here is what happened to me today. I approached a group of girls in a shopping centre while my mate was looking at some cd's in hmv.
Since he was having relationship problems i went up to a group of women (about 18 years old) and said:
Me: Hey guys, let me get your opinion on something.
I'm trying to give my friend over there advice, but we're
just a bunch of guys and not qualified to comment on
these matters.
Girls: What? (in a pissed off way)
Me: Okay, see my friend over there. Well, he has been
dating a girl for three months. And she just moved in
with him. Okay. This is a two-part question. So, imagine
you've been dating someone for three months. And he is
still friends with his old girlfriend from college. How do
you feel about that?
They just said: go away you freak
I was ****ing livid after. I'd just got back from the US and had no problem with talking to random girls and guys. I never got a response like this and there was usually good conversations and number exchanges. I am actually apalled but this seems to be an attitude with a lot of British girls, more so than the American girls who were actually more beautiful. It seems we have the most egotistical and rude women in the world.