The Student Room Group

The majority of British girls are stuck up? (compared to other countries)

Ok, i am not trying to create an inflammatory response here.
Here is what happened to me today. I approached a group of girls in a shopping centre while my mate was looking at some cd's in hmv.
Since he was having relationship problems i went up to a group of women (about 18 years old) and said:

Me: Hey guys, let me get your opinion on something.
I'm trying to give my friend over there advice, but we're
just a bunch of guys and not qualified to comment on
these matters.

Girls: What? (in a pissed off way)

Me: Okay, see my friend over there. Well, he has been
dating a girl for three months. And she just moved in
with him. Okay. This is a two-part question. So, imagine
you've been dating someone for three months. And he is
still friends with his old girlfriend from college. How do
you feel about that?

They just said: go away you freak

I was ****ing livid after. I'd just got back from the US and had no problem with talking to random girls and guys. I never got a response like this and there was usually good conversations and number exchanges. I am actually apalled but this seems to be an attitude with a lot of British girls, more so than the American girls who were actually more beautiful. It seems we have the most egotistical and rude women in the world.

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Reply 1
It's just the British culture. I don't think it's fair to limit things to British girls - Brits in general are reserved and don't like speaking to people they don't know. I do prefer the typically more friendly atmosphere of America, whereby anyone will near enough speak to anyone, but what can you do? Some people just have their panties in a twist, unfortunately, or may have simply had a bad day, you just don't know.
Reply 2
That's quite a personal issue though. I wouldn't go up to some randoms and ask them that cos its not what you do. I'm not surprised that they acted that way.
Reply 3
Er. Um. I'm not quite sure what to say.

I, er, don't necessarily think that it's the best idea to approach a group of women, announce that you've got a "two part question" and then splatter them with a long and incomprehensible story.

I don't necessarily think that girls in the US would be overly keen on your two part questions, either.
Reply 4
Hmm strange, what you said sounds just like a pickup technique I hear my friends use all the time. Perhaps they've heard it before? My friends called it mystery method or something silly like that. lol in fact one of my friends just walked by and said it is exactly the same as what they read about. Perhaps your pick up techniques aren't going to work :-p
Reply 5
Hmm - i don't think you should really generalise! I know some girls get "bitchy" when they're in a group, whilst some guys get all "macho" in a group setting... They probably thought it was funny.
Reply 6
I admit that had roles been reversed and a girl did that to me, I'd probably think they were taking the piss or something and be quite off-ish anyway.
Reply 7
It's just the British culture. I don't think it's fair to limit things to British girls - Brits in general are reserved and don't like speaking to people they don't know. I do prefer the typically more friendly atmosphere of America, whereby anyone will near enough speak to anyone, but what can you do? Some people just have their panties in a twist, unfortunately, or may have simply had a bad day, you just don't know.

I always hear this and I never quite get it. Where I live (in a smallish town in the Midlands) everyone is really friendly, I can smile at anyone on the street and they'll smile back and strangers chat to each other on the street, it seems weird to me otherwise. Maybe it's a big city thing? I went to London not long ago and people weren't very friendly.
Reply 8
i think its a bit unfair to limit it to girls.

try going up to a group of guys next time, you'll probably get a bit more than "go away you freak" :p:
Brits in general are reserved and don't like speaking to people they don't know.

I can see what you mean, although I think a lot of people, certainly a lot of people I know, would be more than willing to answer a question along the lines of the OP's. Particularly if they were in a group.

I think it all depends on the personality of the people, some are just much more keen to respond and have a bit of fun than others, who might just find it weird.
Reply 10
It depends on the people. I would have answerd the question myself, and I'm generally quite reserved. There's no point being rude just for the sake of it.
not all british girls are like that...were you in london by any chance? or another large city? i dont think its just girls being stuck up either!
Well you acted pretty weird, going up to people you don't know and asking them that ****. Bizarre, no offence though. People don't like intrusion.
Reply 13
I do prefer the typically more friendly atmosphere of America, whereby anyone will near enough speak to anyone, but what can you do?

Americans are generally quite open people and will chat to you, but I still don't think that they'd be overly keen on having their shopping trip turned into a peculiar, impromptu counselling session.
British in general are more reserved than Americans. It is not female in particular. I've "cold-talked" to girls and guys before and have encountered "pissed-off" looks before. And there is really nothing we can do about it. Either that person is open or reserved.

I was ****ing livid after. I'd just got back from the US and had no problem with talking to random girls and guys. I never got a response like this and there was usually good conversations and number exchanges. I am actually apalled but this seems to be an attitude with a lot of British girls, more so than the American girls who were actually more beautiful. It seems we have the most egotistical and rude women in the world.

It's just British culture. Americans are a totally different kettle of fish. I've found them to be friendlier and more social.
Reply 16
Again I'm generalising, but I live in the South, and the South are typically far more reserved than the North. We keep our eyes in front of us in a crowd, probably from the London-commuter culture or something.

The person who said they live in a smallish Midlands town has made it self-explanatory really - I would expect nothing less than an insular community to be more sociable.
its true, i find british girls so stuck up their own arses.. dont get me wrong though ive met plenty of nice open friendly ones but you'll only find stuck up girls in england. u dont even have to go that far to notice the difference, scottish girls and ESPECIALLY the welsh girls are all up for a laugh!

and '18 year old' girls generally reckon they're all posh spice probably need time for them to grow up.. i've seen university changes people and the way they talk to everyone
One group of girls, and you feel qualified to make a sweeping assumption about all British women? :rolleyes:
We're not all stuck up, but honestly its down to most Britsh girls in general considering all outsiders of friends and family etc strangers, weirdos and pervs.
I dunno, some places are worse than others, and the twatty ones are usally the chavvy or very well off ones in my experience. Not all of us are that bad, you just have to look.