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How long do you take to write an essay?

Hi all, I'm new here and have only just restarted my education, apologies if I am going about this wrong!

I have just begun an Access to HE Business & Management course and have completed a few ungraded 2000-word assignments. I worry I spend too much time on these, it takes me roughly 20 hours for 2000 words with references.

I was just curious how long it takes you all to write essays and assignments and what your process was, any tips would be massively appreciated!

Many thanks,
Ben :smile:
I do A-level essay subjects, and it takes me roughly 2 hours to do 2000 word essays.
Depends, have you done the research/plan before so you know what you're going to say? I'd say 2 hours is too quick, expecially with editing etc but 20 is too long
Original post by Emmmaaaa...
Depends, have you done the research/plan before so you know what you're going to say? I'd say 2 hours is too quick, expecially with editing etc but 20 is too long

I mean we only get 2 hours in the exam, so I'd be screwed if I took any longer.
Original post by BusyBeeBen
Hi all, I'm new here and have only just restarted my education, apologies if I am going about this wrong!

I have just begun an Access to HE Business & Management course and have completed a few ungraded 2000-word assignments. I worry I spend too much time on these, it takes me roughly 20 hours for 2000 words with references.

I was just curious how long it takes you all to write essays and assignments and what your process was, any tips would be massively appreciated!

Many thanks,
Ben :smile:

When I’m up for it 2-3 days
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by toxicgamage56
I mean we only get 2 hours in the exam, so I'd be screwed if I took any longer.

Oh yeah definitely, I just meant when you have to write an essay from scratch, eg having to do all the research. Doing an essay in an exam is definitely different to just doing one at home for coursework to, so the type of exam makes a difference to how long it should take.
Original post by Emmmaaaa...
Oh yeah definitely, I just meant when you have to write an essay from scratch, eg having to do all the research. Doing an essay in an exam is definitely different to just doing one at home for coursework to, so the type of exam makes a difference to how long it should take.

I guess you're right in terms of research time, and I'm not sure what OP's specific subject requires in terms of an essay either so I was just comparing to my English Literature A-level.
I don't do 2000 words and I'm terrible at maths so can't calculate it, but I do a 3000 word essay in about 7 days. I wouldn't worry about spending 'too long' on something - every essay will improve your writing style and abilities. As long as you're getting all your other work done, it's best not to brush over it or submit the first draft that you write.
Reply 8
Thank you all for your answers, I think I'm perhaps just a bit slow! I seem to spend a lot of time searching for references.
it takes me around 15-20 hours to write a 2000 word essay at uni from the point of beginning my research to final submission, but obviously not all that is writing, a lot is looking for sources to cite and going over notes.

Original post by BusyBeeBen
Hi all, I'm new here and have only just restarted my education, apologies if I am going about this wrong!

I have just begun an Access to HE Business & Management course and have completed a few ungraded 2000-word assignments. I worry I spend too much time on these, it takes me roughly 20 hours for 2000 words with references.

I was just curious how long it takes you all to write essays and assignments and what your process was, any tips would be massively appreciated!

Many thanks,
Ben :smile:
im at uni and i take about 15-20 hours to complete a 2000 word essay from the point of beginning my research to the point of final submission. Obviously not all of that time is spent purely writing, its mostly research and going over notes, but this seems to be a similar amount of time to most people i speak to