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Higher history, rmps and modern studies (help please)


I'm doing higher history, rmps and crashing higher modern studies next year

Has anyone one done these three subjects at higher separately or together that could give me some insight into how hard it will be and maybe some study tips

Thank you!
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous 543

I'm doing higher history, rmps and crashing higher modern studies next year

Has anyone one done these three subjects at higher separately or together that could give me some insight into how hard it will be and maybe some study tips

Thank you!
I’m doing higher modern studies and if you want me to brutally honest it’s quite hard. The workload you get is a lot and by the time you have to do the exam you have to remember like atleast 11-12 essays. It certainly is a lot especially since you have to remember statistics , dates etc. However, if you have a good memory and you’re good with writing essays, I think you’ll be able to manage it. I do higher history as well and i’d say the history essays and modern studies essays are quite similar to each other. When it comes to studying essays for me what works is simplifying it so basically putting my essay into bullet points with key information and then trying to write it from that. Flashcards are also very useful when it comes to revising essays or even remembering examples (you’ll have to remember A LOT of examples so even memorising examples is something you’ll have to revise.) Also since it’s a lot of content try and rewrite things in your own words when you’re learning in class. This is all just what personally works for me and my experience but it’s a very interesting and valuable subject so good luck for you
Reply 2
I did Higher modern and higher history last year. My preferred revision method was flashcards, especially with the quotes and statistics needed for each subject. I just think that kept the important details in my head, and then if I was really lost I could still work with those.
Reply 3
I did higher history and modern last year ‼️ totally agree with the other for using flashcards when trying to remember examples and important details. It might be a bit different this year because I never had to do an assignment. Doing past papers are really helpful for the paper 2 source questions. Also do practice at home to try to write essays in the given time because sometimes the essays can get a bit long and you might have to cut stuff out before the exam. Hope this helps x
Reply 4
Original post by Bethany0805
I did Higher modern and higher history last year. My preferred revision method was flashcards, especially with the quotes and statistics needed for each subject. I just think that kept the important details in my head, and then if I was really lost I could still work with those.

Thank you that's really helpful
Reply 5
Original post by Jill mcg
I did higher history and modern last year ‼️ totally agree with the other for using flashcards when trying to remember examples and important details. It might be a bit different this year because I never had to do an assignment. Doing past papers are really helpful for the paper 2 source questions. Also do practice at home to try to write essays in the given time because sometimes the essays can get a bit long and you might have to cut stuff out before the exam. Hope this helps x

It dose help thank you. :smile:
Reply 6
Original post by trishslay
I’m doing higher modern studies and if you want me to brutally honest it’s quite hard. The workload you get is a lot and by the time you have to do the exam you have to remember like atleast 11-12 essays. It certainly is a lot especially since you have to remember statistics , dates etc. However, if you have a good memory and you’re good with writing essays, I think you’ll be able to manage it. I do higher history as well and i’d say the history essays and modern studies essays are quite similar to each other. When it comes to studying essays for me what works is simplifying it so basically putting my essay into bullet points with key information and then trying to write it from that. Flashcards are also very useful when it comes to revising essays or even remembering examples (you’ll have to remember A LOT of examples so even memorising examples is something you’ll have to revise.) Also since it’s a lot of content try and rewrite things in your own words when you’re learning in class. This is all just what personally works for me and my experience but it’s a very interesting and valuable subject so good luck for you

Thank you so much this really helps :smile:
Original post by Anonymous 543
I'm doing higher history, rmps and crashing higher modern studies next year
Has anyone one done these three subjects at higher separately or together that could give me some insight into how hard it will be and maybe some study tips
Thank you!
All three of those subjects have a lot of writing in them and have their own individual structures for answering.

My advice is to have a solid understanding of the format for answering questions by following your teachers advice, getting practice questions marked and just practicing.
Content wise, History is a lot, so it is defienlty good to make sure that when your taking notes that you understand them and ask questions at the time of learning. You will know from Nat 5 what styles of notes work best and how you like to study.

I always found mindmaps, completing past paper questions and flashcards to be my favourite techniques.

In terms of the courses you'll have an exam and an assignment. Make sure to do all you can to take advice and guidance from teachers about the assignment - there are strict sqa rules about how much teachers can help. It is an independent piece of work so choose a topic that interests you.

I'm currently doing my PGDE for Secondary History so I am biased to social subjects and hope you enjoy next year !
Catherine- University of Strathclyde Student Ambassador
Reply 8
Original post by University of Strathclyde Student Ambassador
All three of those subjects have a lot of writing in them and have their own individual structures for answering.
My advice is to have a solid understanding of the format for answering questions by following your teachers advice, getting practice questions marked and just practicing.
Content wise, History is a lot, so it is defienlty good to make sure that when your taking notes that you understand them and ask questions at the time of learning. You will know from Nat 5 what styles of notes work best and how you like to study.
I always found mindmaps, completing past paper questions and flashcards to be my favourite techniques.
In terms of the courses you'll have an exam and an assignment. Make sure to do all you can to take advice and guidance from teachers about the assignment - there are strict sqa rules about how much teachers can help. It is an independent piece of work so choose a topic that interests you.
I'm currently doing my PGDE for Secondary History so I am biased to social subjects and hope you enjoy next year !
Catherine- University of Strathclyde Student Ambassador

Thank you :smile:
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous 543
I'm doing higher history, rmps and crashing higher modern studies next year
Has anyone one done these three subjects at higher separately or together that could give me some insight into how hard it will be and maybe some study tips
Thank you!

Im currently doing all 3 subjects and I would say that the workload isnt so stressful, but if youre crashing higher modern studies I do think you will find it bit tough to adjust to, but the lucky thing of doing these subjects that you can use the modern studies structure for any 3 of them.
Reply 10
Original post by Anonymous 543
I'm doing higher history, rmps and crashing higher modern studies next year
Has anyone one done these three subjects at higher separately or together that could give me some insight into how hard it will be and maybe some study tips
Thank you!

everyone s saying falshcards but the best way for me is to use a word document and keep repeating until you know it I usually do 6x
Just a little update for anyone still interacting with this post. I wasn't able to pick higher modern studies as It didn't work with the timetable alongside my other subjects so I have chosen phycology instead.
Original post by Anonymous 543
I'm doing higher history, rmps and crashing higher modern studies next year
Has anyone one done these three subjects at higher separately or together that could give me some insight into how hard it will be and maybe some study tips
Thank you!

Hi i did higher history and moddies this year. My advice for history would be to keep essays online and labelled, make flashcards for them as soon as their written and store them in a safe place! History can be a great subject as long as your organised with your materials. Modern Studies is hard i do have to say, your source question paper is probably your biggest blessing overall. The assignment is quite difficult and in my experience teachers are not really able to help you at all. Good luck! x
Reply 13
Original post by University of Strathclyde Student Ambassador
All three of those subjects have a lot of writing in them and have their own individual structures for answering.
My advice is to have a solid understanding of the format for answering questions by following your teachers advice, getting practice questions marked and just practicing.
Content wise, History is a lot, so it is defienlty good to make sure that when your taking notes that you understand them and ask questions at the time of learning. You will know from Nat 5 what styles of notes work best and how you like to study.
I always found mindmaps, completing past paper questions and flashcards to be my favourite techniques.
In terms of the courses you'll have an exam and an assignment. Make sure to do all you can to take advice and guidance from teachers about the assignment - there are strict sqa rules about how much teachers can help. It is an independent piece of work so choose a topic that interests you.
I'm currently doing my PGDE for Secondary History so I am biased to social subjects and hope you enjoy next year !
Catherine- University of Strathclyde Student Ambassador

Hi Catherine, please are you able to take a tutor class online for modern studies higher exam preparation. My child is seriously struggling and if she doesn't get help, she might end up with no award. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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