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Guy wants me to hang out with him and his girlfriend?

Yesterday I was at a party and I got harassed by several guys throughout the night. I've had a crush on this one guy for a few months and he was there and he was looking at me a lot real obvious especially when random guys talked to me. One time I stood near him and I heard him talk about me. Later that night I got harassed by some guy again and my crush had been standing there on the wall for a while and I always caught him looking at me then suddenly he pulled me aside and told me to come with him and we talked for an hour straight. Some random group of guys literally came up to us to tell us we would make a "cute couple" lmao

I knew this guy has a girlfriend though because I've seen them already. He kept calling me cute though and that I look like a doll or whatever and everything and he told me we should hang out today and that he'll bring his girlfriend because we're really similar he thinks.

I'm so scared like how am I supposed to act today? What does this even mean lol what the ****. Help
Maybe he considers you as a friend or a sister, and is trying to set a boundary especially if he's noticed you're interest. Just act like usual perhaps not so touchy, include his girlfriend and act genuine.
Reply 2
As a guy I think he likes you, but has a another girl so trying to get a bit of both without being openly a cheater. He probably thinks by involving his girlfreind he will be considered to be doing the right thing. Unless you want to cause trouble with his girlfreind i would openly ask him what his thinking might be ? as having you both for a hangout given his comments is a bit strange to me..... I think he wants both in a way... tricky and could go wrong...
(edited 7 months ago)

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