The Student Room Group

Casual sports societies?

Hi! I’m going into third year at southampton uni and have always wanted to join a very casual sports club of some kind! I’m by no means the fittest person, but i would like to stay fit this year, so if there is a very casual / fun sports soc I’d love to join it! Any suggestions? Thanks :-)
Original post by Anonymous
Hi! I’m going into third year at southampton uni and have always wanted to join a very casual sports club of some kind! I’m by no means the fittest person, but i would like to stay fit this year, so if there is a very casual / fun sports soc I’d love to join it! Any suggestions? Thanks :-)


Its great to hear that you are willing to stay active and join fun societies at university! I think joining various societies (from sports to cultural) has made my university experience SO MUCH BETTER!

I just had a quick look at the Southampton Uni Student Union website ( and it seems like the SU is really active, inclusive and easy to contact. You can find opportunities like "give it a go" and "be active" - this sounds like something you were looking for. Furthermore, you can join a competitive sport society (like running or basketball) and attend trainings/ play for the lower teams - this is a great way to improve your skill (I am currently doing this with squash!). Finally, at lancaster we have "casual football" society - maybe you can make your own through the SU.

See if the website is helpful, otherwise do contact the SU and ask them how they can help or guide you.

Also, although you are joining in 3rd year - that is totally normal and you will meet so many more students who either joined later on or are 1st years so have never been the part of the society before - the execs are really welcoming to EVERYONE!

I really hope you get involved and this helped!😊

Shaheer (Lancaster Student Ambassador)
Original post by Anonymous
Hi! I’m going into third year at southampton uni and have always wanted to join a very casual sports club of some kind! I’m by no means the fittest person, but i would like to stay fit this year, so if there is a very casual / fun sports soc I’d love to join it! Any suggestions? Thanks :-)


It's great to hear from you! Joining a sports society is a brilliant idea, and I can definitely relate to wanting it to be casual and fun (I don't like really competitive sports, and I'm not particularly fit). The good news is that there are definitely some casual and fun sports societies to get involved with! At Southampton, there are different levels of sport societies, with the AU (Athletic Union) being competitive, and the IM (Intramural) sports being more laid-back, so it's these IM ones you'll be more interested in. For things like netball and football, they are usually split up by degree (ie History Netball, Geography Football, and so on), which is great because it means you become better friends with some course-mates. But if you're subject isn't involved, you can join any of the others (which also means you can meet new people!). Here is the link for the list of IM sports on SUSU's website:

Some other societies that I personally think are really fun are trampolining, dance (and there are lots of different types of dance societies), and the variety of martial arts societies on offer. Here's the link to the list of societies that you can have a look through:

I hope this helps, and if you have any other questions, please let me know! :smile:

Amie (a third year University of Southampton Official Rep)

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