The Student Room Group
Original post by rose1417
I am starting a level French this week and although I got a grade 9 in GCSE I am worried because I don't have a very good French accent and my classmates do.

Hi! I've just finished French A-level and am starting a degree in it in a few weeks, and I have exactly the same worries as you lol!
Honestly having just finished A-Level, your accent doesn't matter as long as the examiner can understand you and you are pronouncing most of the words correctly - you won't be expected to have a 'french' accent if that makes sense

I will say that I think your french speaking skills will get a lot better over the 2 years of A-Level and I do think your accent will develop with that! What helped me was to watch Netflix shows, listen to music and watch YouTube videos in French. Being exposed to native accents as much as possible helped me with my accent

I hope some of this helps/reassures you, if you have any more questions about French A-Level, feel free to ask :smile:
Original post by rose1417
I am starting a level French this week and although I got a grade 9 in GCSE I am worried because I don't have a very good French accent and my classmates do.

I saw an article about trying to keep your tongue on the bottom of your mouth - it's why French people can't pronounce certain English letters.