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Help brainstorming a dissertation question

I can't think of a question linked to gothic poetry to get me started on my dissertation...I would be so grateful if anyone could share any ideas?
Original post by lunaastefi
I can't think of a question linked to gothic poetry to get me started on my dissertation...I would be so grateful if anyone could share any ideas?

Hi :smile: Maybe a good place to start would be to think about why you're drawn to studying gothic poetry specifically. Are there specific poets you're interested in? Certain themes maybe?
Original post by lunaastefi
I can't think of a question linked to gothic poetry to get me started on my dissertation...I would be so grateful if anyone could share any ideas?

Hi there!

I'm glad to hear you're starting to think about your dissertation. I hope you're looking forward to it (you're near the end!)

I have recently just finished my English Literature dissertation, so hopefully I can offer some advice to when I was thinking about my own dissertation.

Firstly, you already have a genre so that's great! Like @Pwca has already said, is there a particular theme within Gothic literature that sparks your interest the most and why? What texts are you interested in?

Are there any relevant pieces of secondary criticism that has drawn your attention that you want to counter argue or expand more on? There are always gaps in older pieces of discourse!

Is there a trend in the Gothic poetry that you have read? Is this down to the time period? Think contextually!

I hope this helps :smile:

Graduate Advocate
Original post by lunaastefi
I can't think of a question linked to gothic poetry to get me started on my dissertation...I would be so grateful if anyone could share any ideas?

Hi there!

A dissertation is a really exciting thing to be working on. Part of the fun of it is brainstorming ideas and possible topics to write on. A good way to go about it like others have mentioned is to consider why the subject attracts you and what you enjoy about it.

You should also talk to your academic advisor and tutors about ideas for your dissertation. They would be a good point of call for any questions you have about the subject and can give you sources and suggestions on what to research.

You should also understand that oftentimes the topic of your dissertation will change and develop as you do more research, so do not feel too worried about not having a clear idea of what you want to write specifically.

Goodluck with your dissertation and I hope you enjoy the process.

Best wishes,

Lancaster University Student Ambassador,

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