The Student Room Group



Are there any midwifery students that would be able to help with what the interview process is like e.g. what sort of questions do you get asked and is there a task to prepare for? How can I best prepare for interviews? I am interested in universities in Manchester and Teesside uni.
Original post by r.elder

Are there any midwifery students that would be able to help with what the interview process is like e.g. what sort of questions do you get asked and is there a task to prepare for? How can I best prepare for interviews? I am interested in universities in Manchester and Teesside uni.

Be prepared to explain why you chose midwifery, why that uni, what you know about the role, how you would/have managed interactions with the public/staff, recent NHS/midwifery stories in the news, how you would react in certain scenarios, etc. Make sure you know the NHS values and 6 Cs:
Original post by r.elder

Are there any midwifery students that would be able to help with what the interview process is like e.g. what sort of questions do you get asked and is there a task to prepare for? How can I best prepare for interviews? I am interested in universities in Manchester and Teesside uni.

Similar to the message mentioned above.:h:

Definitely look into your reasons why you chose Midwifery and what led you to applying to that specific university. I would also recommend checking out what the Nursing and Midwifery Council have to say about midwifery. Think about what they look for in a midwife, what their values are and if they have specific requirements.

Remember during the interview to demonstrate your skills such as the 6C's but to also think about how those skills have been transferred through your own personal experience, don't forget to provide personal examples of these. For example: explain how you demonstrate leadership and how you can help with conflict resolution.

Good Luck and have fun! :banana2:
Original post by r.elder

Are there any midwifery students that would be able to help with what the interview process is like e.g. what sort of questions do you get asked and is there a task to prepare for? How can I best prepare for interviews? I am interested in universities in Manchester and Teesside uni.

Hi there

NHS registered midwife.

I agree with both posts #1&2.

Unfortunately nobody can give you precisely the question and answer to what you'll be asked.

Here's a few examples of what you may be asked 🙂....
You'll be probably asked why you want to be a midwife
Why have you chosen this particular university to study midwifery at
Research the 6 C's of nursing
Read over your personal statement incase asked about it
How would you cope with stress while on shift
How will you handle a bereavement of a mother losing her child and also stay professional as a midwife as this is part of the job
NMC code of practice
Original post by r.elder
Are there any midwifery students that would be able to help with what the interview process is like e.g. what sort of questions do you get asked and is there a task to prepare for? How can I best prepare for interviews? I am interested in universities in Manchester and Teesside uni.

Hi there,

So sorry it's taken so long for us to answer this question - I hope you got the answers you were looking for at the time! 😊 Which university did you choose and are you studying midwifery?

For anyone else looking for advice on the interview process for our BSc (Hons) Midwifery course, you can head to the entry requirements tab on the course page here for lots of handy info. You'll essentially be asked 6 questions which are linked to a range of scenarios mapped against the NHS Constitution:

privacy & dignity

resilience & reflective ability

problem solving

advocacy & empowerment

honesty & integrity

team working.

For more help and advice, check out this video offering support and information on our application process, your personal statement and preparing for your interview.

I hope that helps! 😄
Thank you, G

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