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night life in Manchester at the age of 17

There are clubs in Manchester that let you enter at the age of 17

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Original post by Hnbujn
There are clubs in Manchester that let you enter at the age of 17

No not at all
Original post by Hnbujn
There are clubs in Manchester that let you enter at the age of 17

Which ones?

And if so, I suppose the underage uni students can get into night life.
Some people go to university early, maybe 17, 16 or even younger.
I know a few.

There are some international students with younger cutoffs for birthdays.

Some people skip years.
At many unis there is no minimum age - but the large majority are 18+ at uni.
Google it. There are plenty.
I'm at UoM and there's both a 16 and a 17 year old on my course. The 16 year old skipped two years and the 17 year old is international so had slightly different academic year dates. So... checkmate.
(edited 1 year ago)
People from Scotland to note the common example.
I’ve given you links to some universities that allow under 18 admissions.

In Scotland you don’t always need to do advanced highers (Y13) to go to (Scottish) university I think, so could be 17 when you start university (I’ve seen Scottish students on here saying that they are starting university at 17 years old as opposed to the 18+ norm):

Checkmate Indeed
Yeah but you’re telling the other to name some unis that have allow under 18s in their institution. After they said (in response to): At many unis there is no minimum age - but the large majority are 18+ at uni. I’ve have provided names.

With regard to the OP though, I can’t think of any nightclubs that would allow under 18’s (you probably get ID’ed).


I know next to nothing I University Admissions but simply did some quick Research and read what it says on the official websites unless the stuff is out of date which in that case someone can correct me here.
(edited 1 year ago)
Also wouldn’t recommend going to a nightclub in general if you’re not an adult. better to just wait a year.
Aerospace Engineering
Original post by Talkative Toad
Also wouldn’t recommend going to a nightclub in general if you’re not an adult. better to just wait a year.

Well, true, although there are some underage students and sometimes they do mingle with the older ones and go to bars/clubs/nightclubs together and drink.

If they can handle themselves fine, those 16-17 year olds, i wouldn't have too much of a problem with them. They have their uni life, most of the stuff the adults can do, some of the stuff they get in underage, their life is mostly like the normal undergrad experience, simply younger.

You may agree to disagree, and that's fine.
Original post by ActiveEccentric
Well, true, although there are some underage students and sometimes they do mingle with the older ones and go to bars/clubs/nightclubs together and drink.

If they can handle themselves fine, those 16-17 year olds, i wouldn't have too much of a problem with them. They have their uni life, most of the stuff the adults can do, some of the stuff they get in underage, their life is mostly like the normal undergrad experience, simply younger.

You may agree to disagree, and that's fine.

I don’t think that I’ve seen a nightclub that allows under 18’s in the first place.
Yeah but you were implying that it doesn’t happen in the first place when it does, even saying that it isn’t common (which is true), in some cases it can be common.
Original post by Talkative Toad
I don’t think that I’ve seen a nightclub that allows under 18’s in the first place.

Some get in with fake ID. I don't recommend this, but that's reality for some people.
Original post by ActiveEccentric
Some get in with fake ID. I don't recommend this, but that's reality for some people.

Yep I wouldn’t recommend that (not lawful to do).

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