The Student Room Group

Choosing my masters degree

I am doing my bachelor's in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning(part of Computer science) in the southern part of passing year would be 2025.
I am also interested in business,... so what should I choose as my master's degree
And any university suggestions in India or abroad?!
Hi @Sathya17.

Cranfield business school (School of management - SOM) offers very good quality MSc courses: Cranfield School of Management consistently performs well in international business rankings. We are top 10 in the UK and 34th in Europe in the Financial Times European Business School 2021 Rankings. You can choose one of the courses and then let us know, me or other student ambassador through UniBuddy app can help with registration or answer any questions.

If you want to continue in the field of Artificial intelligence, Cranfield also offers some options. You can for example choose Applied artificial intelligence MSc: This new MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence uses standard teaching and assessment methods as well as technology-enhanced teaching (TET) methods such as a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to support different learning styles. Theories and fundamental of AI will be taught in both lecture and workshop formats where videos and technology demonstrators will be used as teaching aids. Lecture videos will be available on VLE to provide an interactive learning experience.

Hope this was helpful, Any question, please drop us a line. :smile:

PhD student
Student ambassador
Cranfield University.
Reply 2
Thank you for your response. Since I plan to enroll in a master's program in 2025, I am starting my search now. I will definitely consider your offer and contact you accordingly.

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