The Student Room Group

Presentations at Northumbria Uni

I'm thinking of going to Northumbria uni next year and studying their psychology course. I was wondering if anyone has been here and could tell me how many presentations were done during your time?
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Original post by nathan593
I'm thinking of going to Northumbria uni next year and studying their psychology course. I was wondering if anyone has been here and could tell me how many presentations were done during your time?

Hi I was going to go with Northumbria. They had a great advisor who assisted me with it all however the only thing that put me off was that they said that the first module (£1500)payment needs to be made by the student directly n not from student loan ,so that was the reason I changed my course provider to Brunel for jan 2024 intake
Original post by nathan593
I'm thinking of going to Northumbria uni next year and studying their psychology course. I was wondering if anyone has been here and could tell me how many presentations were done during your time?

Hey Nathan, I am pleased to hear that you're considering us for next year :smile:
The psychology course is currently assessed through written assignments, oral and poster presentations, examinations and a final year research project (see more here: The exact amount of presentations varies year to year but I would recommend reaching out to our Ask4Help team (Tel: 0191 227 4646) who may be able to provide more specific information on this. Additionally, you could attend one of our open days at which you can speak to academics and attend a course talk which will provide more information about modules and assessment.
I hope this helps, don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions.

Northumbria University UG rep.
Original post by nathan593
I'm thinking of going to Northumbria uni next year and studying their psychology course. I was wondering if anyone has been here and could tell me how many presentations were done during your time?

Hey! Are you studying at the Northumbria Uni psychology? How is it going? Any feedback about Northumbria Uni psychology online course appreciated, thx.

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