Hi, this is a difficult one for me to say and I have lots of lovely friends around me that are being so supportive. On Tuesday night I was working and we ended up having some drinks with the managers. I got quite drunk and one of the staff said he wanted to bike me home. I repeatedly said no and that I was fine (he also is aware that I have a long term boyfriend who is currently travelling). He keeps saying it and I eventually relent and we go to mine. I had had a nice time with him that evening and I was eventually making friends with my colleagues and enjoying their company. We sat at mine with a beer for a bit and it became clear that he liked me which i had not realised (I had a suspicion about one of the staff but genuinely didn't know it was him). I don't remember much but I showed him the spare room in which he could sleep and he kept asking if i would just lie beside him which of course i repeatedly said no to again. However, I woke up yesterday morning still in my work clothes to him touching me everywhere. I must have fallen asleep by accident but it was the most dehumanising and vile I've ever felt. Once the shock had set in, and I realised what was going on (I'm not even sure how much time I was there for), i got up and walked out. My housemate realised something was happening and got rid of him for me. I feel a combination of guilt for my boyfriend somehow and also just for myself for this happening even though it's not my fault. It's just the worst