The Student Room Group

How to write my CV as a bit of a job hopper?

I'm 20, and I've had a fair few jobs in my almost 5 years of working. 7 to date. It's not that I can't hack it or get bored, they've all been for good reasons.

First job I held almost 2 years, but moved because of a change in management, it was also ages from my house. Second I held for 6/7 months until Feb of y13, and left to focus on a-level exams, couldn't get that one back in summer as they'd obviously replaced me so found a summer job in a kitchen. Was independent so couldn't transfer, and had to get a new job at uni, which was zero hours, and after a few months I realised I needed more hours than they could give so I quit and got a new job after Christmas. Kept that until summer, it was also independent so couldn't transfer, got a summer job in a pub this summer. Upon returning to uni, my old job would've taken me back, but I found another paying an extra £1.50 an hour with no late finishes. However, I've worked here since august and other problems have emerged, and I would rather not return after Christmas, so I'm job hunting again.

I like to include as much as I can on my CV as it's quite versatile. 1 job was a supermarket, 1 was retail, 1 was in a kitchen, 1 was as a barista, 1 was as a waiter and the other 2 were bar work. So it shows a variety of skills. But it is just silly to include them all at this point. My last time applying for jobs I was just omitting the less relevant ones, and explaining the gaps if it came up, but I'm less sure now on what to include and what not to. For example, most jobs in my area are bar/restaurant, so it makes sense to omit the supermarket, but that was my longest job, almost 2 years, so if you take that out it looks like I've never stayed anywhere longer than a few months.

Any advice would be much appreciated
Original post by othello03
I'm 20, and I've had a fair few jobs in my almost 5 years of working. 7 to date. It's not that I can't hack it or get bored, they've all been for good reasons.

First job I held almost 2 years, but moved because of a change in management, it was also ages from my house. Second I held for 6/7 months until Feb of y13, and left to focus on a-level exams, couldn't get that one back in summer as they'd obviously replaced me so found a summer job in a kitchen. Was independent so couldn't transfer, and had to get a new job at uni, which was zero hours, and after a few months I realised I needed more hours than they could give so I quit and got a new job after Christmas. Kept that until summer, it was also independent so couldn't transfer, got a summer job in a pub this summer. Upon returning to uni, my old job would've taken me back, but I found another paying an extra £1.50 an hour with no late finishes. However, I've worked here since august and other problems have emerged, and I would rather not return after Christmas, so I'm job hunting again.

I like to include as much as I can on my CV as it's quite versatile. 1 job was a supermarket, 1 was retail, 1 was in a kitchen, 1 was as a barista, 1 was as a waiter and the other 2 were bar work. So it shows a variety of skills. But it is just silly to include them all at this point. My last time applying for jobs I was just omitting the less relevant ones, and explaining the gaps if it came up, but I'm less sure now on what to include and what not to. For example, most jobs in my area are bar/restaurant, so it makes sense to omit the supermarket, but that was my longest job, almost 2 years, so if you take that out it looks like I've never stayed anywhere longer than a few months.

Any advice would be much appreciated

Id still include them all. It shows a variety of skills in a variety of different places.
As a student, it doesnt matter too much if you have been a bit of a job hopper. If you were workig full time then it might matter a bit more/not look as good. And like you say, you have good reasons for changing jobs (e.g. a longer way from home, going to uni, not a company where you can transfer, better hours, more money etc etc)
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
Diverse work experience is generally an advantage and while your still studying short term jobs are to be expected. Equally if there are any jobs while you are studying that you for some reason you don’t want to mention, there’s no harm in leaving these out

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