The Student Room Group

MIM or Mba with 3 years of work EXP

I am really confused about whether I should apply for an MSc in management or an MBA. Given that the average Work experience for most of the top-tier Universities is more than 5 years. Also, I have not appeared for GMAT and 1st Round deadlines will be closed by the time I apply whereas MSC doesn't require a GMAT score so applying will be an ideal choice.
Coming to MBA given that I will be completing my 3 years by the end of this month the whole process of examination and everything in a short period would be tedious to manage.
What is the right course of action? Apply for an MSc, and if I get into a good university, should I go for it or try applying in round 2 for an MBA
Because it's an expensive degree and cannot just decide hastily.
Any insight or advice would be of great help.
Thank you in Advance!

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