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ask me any question about uni life

No question is a bad question! Ask away :smile:
Best wishes

What do you study? Do you like it?
Reply 2
How much time do you spend studying? What do you do in your free time? Is it a big difference from school?
Original post by Manchester Met - Student Rep
No question is a bad question! Ask away :smile:
Best wishes


Do you use a laptop for your studies? I'm looking to do Maths at uni and I'm wondering if it's worth investing in one for notetaking?
Original post by arealcupoftea
What do you study? Do you like it?

Hi @arealcupoftea
I study speech and language therapy and I’m in second year!
I absolutely love it! Lectures are super long and they work you hard but I’ve learnt a lot. Placements are once a week at the moment and I’m in a hospital. This is a really rewarding experience!

How about you? Are you at uni?

Original post by kazncal
How much time do you spend studying? What do you do in your free time? Is it a big difference from school?

Hi there @kazncal
I spend about 9-4pm or 10-4pm in lectures everyday except Wednesday where we have a day off, and Tuesday which is placement day. For any health course they give you a lot of contact time compared to other courses, you just have to be ready for it! You have to stay longer often in holidays, due to placement and other uni commitments but it’s worth it in the end. Out of lectures I only study when I have an assignments or essay, i should probably study more to be honest but! I’m getting on fine without. In my spare time I’m in brass band, i climb, gym, run and go out to the pub to meet up with the mates 🙂
Great question
Original post by arealcupoftea
What do you study? Do you like it?

Hi, I study Arabic and International Relations at SOAS University and I'm in my final year.
I'm really enjoying it as I've learnt so much and went abroad last year to Jordan as part of my degree. It was an incredible experience where I got to meet so many Arabs and immerse in the culture! What do you study?

Arabic & IR
Original post by kazncal
How much time do you spend studying? What do you do in your free time? Is it a big difference from school?

For a language course, there's a lot of contact hours at uni so I have 5-6 hrs of Arabic every week and for international relations I have 1 lecture and 1 seminar per module so 5-6 hrs per week as well. Outside of lessons, I try to complete the readings for the seminars (class discussions) for every module which takes a lot of time as well as preparing for assignments and exams but it's nice that our days aren't structured like at school so we get lots of free time spend how we like with studying, spending time with friends etc

UG Arabic & IR
Attended high school just down the road from Man Met and have always wondered, how much do you mix with UoM. Also how is it being so close to Hulme and town?

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