The Student Room Group


Hi :smile:

I'm an aspiring law student hoping to study law at a top 5 russel group university. In my GCSEs I got 999888887 and I'm currently studying biology, psychology and history at a level. I am planning to drop biology and do AQA English literature a level online as I'm struggling a lot with biology. Would me doing an online a level get in the way of me getting into a top russel group university? Or should I keep biology for an as level and drop it later on? Do russel group universities care about a 4th as level for law? Pls help 🙏🙏🙏
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by kwriozcs
Hi :smile:

I'm an aspiring law student hoping to study law at a top 5 russel group university. In my GCSEs I got 999888887 and I'm currently studying biology, psychology and history at a level. I am planning to drop biology and do AQA English literature a level online as I'm struggling a lot with biology. Would me doing an online a level get in the way of me getting into a top russel group university? Or should I keep biology for an as level and drop it later on? Do russel group universities care about a 4th as level for law? Pls help 🙏🙏🙏

I wouldn't do a fourth A-level, as all universities only require 3 A-levels. It is probably better to focus on three A-levels so you can do better in those. It is also worth noting that there are plenty of good universities that are not in the top 5 of the Russell Group, or in the Russell Group at all. I wouldn't limit your options just because you think Russell Group universities are the best.
NO University or course requires or prefers 4 A levels.
Its pointless. They don't think 'ooooh clever' and pick you above anyone else.
And you risk all of your grades by doing this. Remember, AAA will always look better than ABBB.
Original post by kwriozcs
Hi :smile:

I'm an aspiring law student hoping to study law at a top 5 russel group university. In my GCSEs I got 999888887 and I'm currently studying biology, psychology and history at a level. I am planning to drop biology and do AQA English literature a level online as I'm struggling a lot with biology. Would me doing an online a level get in the way of me getting into a top russel group university? Or should I keep biology for an as level and drop it later on? Do russel group universities care about a 4th as level for law? Pls help 🙏🙏🙏

Hi @kwriozcs,

Firstly, no university will ask you to have 4 A levels and often striving for 4 can impact the grades of your other 3 negatively. Therefore, I would recommend choosing 3 and sticking to that so you can focus on them and ensure you get the best grades that you can. I wouldn't worry about doing an A level online as it is the grade that matters rather than where you did it or the medium you studied it on (the same goes for online degrees). I would study what you enjoy and the rest will follow 🙂

Good luck!


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